Friday, August 22, 2014

Potty Training - Day #2

The start of day #2 was a little rough.  We had a couple of accidents right in a row.
From then on I watched him like a hawk.  As soon as I saw his telltale sign of crossing his
legs, I suggested we go to the potty.  That worked well and kept him dry for awhile, but I
figured I was doing more of the prompting than him actually telling me when he had to go.
So I stepped back and let him tell me.  The only problem was he didn't tell me.  I would see
him start to go, I'd grab him and run up so he could finish on the potty.  A little defeating, but
at least they were smaller accidents and I was hoping he was getting the hang of it.  Plus he
went poop on the potty in the afternoon, which was awesome!!

The true bright spot was at the end of the day.  We had given him a bath and Ryan already
had him in his diaper and jammies.  When it was time for my hug Owen told me he had to
go potty.  Part of me suspected it was merely a ploy to stay up a little later, but I couldn't
discourage him from wanting to go potty.  I took off his diaper and jammies and set him on
the toilet.  He peed, then told me he had to poop.  He sat there for 10 minutes, and pooped
a significant amount while Ryan, Joe and I all watched and cheered him on.  Not only
was it his second time pooping in the potty, but even with a diaper on he wanted
to go on the actual toilet.  YAY!!  Small victories, right?

We went through 12 pairs of undies today, but I honestly feel like we made progress.  I'm
keeping my fingers crossed for a positive day 3One of the hardest parts of this whole
process is being cooped up in the house all day long, but we're getting creative.  I have
blankets laid down to protect the carpets from any accidents and they just so
happen to double as great hockey rinks.  ;)


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