Thursday, February 27, 2014


I'll give you one guess what Owen's favorite store is....Here's a little hint....


I'm a little embarrassed to say that we probably visit Costco at least 2-3 times per week.
Not only are the carts huge so I can fit Joe's carseat and my groceries, but with a feast
of samples like that is it any wonder why Owen now asks for it by name?  "Ca-coo"

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Sneaky Chef

Like most toddlers Owen is somewhat of a picky eater.  He loves and will devour any fruit
you put in front of him, but vegetables are a completely different story.  I've tried heating up
carrots, peas, or green beans and putting them on his plate, and 9 times out of ten they end
up on the floor.  He has his rare moments where he will eat anything off our
plates including cucumber out of sushi rolls, radish out of our salads, or green peppers out
of our breakfast sandwiches, but those moments are hard to come by.  The only way I've
successfully gotten him to eat vegetables is when it is hidden in something else.  Corn 
casserole that I refer to as "corn cupcake" for him.  Pumpkin muffins.  Zucchini bread.

It turns out I was so close to a genius idea.  My friend introduced me to the book The
Sneaky Chef.  Basically the premise is hiding fruits and vegetables in the foods kids love
to eat.  You start by making fruit and vegetable purees that you can freeze and reheat 
whenever you need them.  Then the book gives you recipes using the purees.

So I got my veggies at the store and spent part of the day yesterday preparing an "Orange
puree" (carrots and sweet potatoes) and a "White puree" (cauliflower and zucchini).
My first test was a standard grilled cheese sandwich.  I made the sandwich the same exact
way I normally make it, with the exception of a thin layer of the orange puree on the inside
with the cheese.  I cut it up, put it on Owen's plate and stood back and watched.  He tried
one piece...then went back for another...and another.  I could not help but smile a devious
smile knowing he was eating the vegetables that he otherwise detested.  

My second test was today at lunch.  A standard box of mac n cheese mixed with some of 
the white puree.  I was not quite as hopeful with this one.  Even I have to admit cauliflower
and zucchini in mac n cheese sounds pretty awful.  But sure enough....he inhaled it!

"What?!?  There's veggies in here??"

It's what I like to call Mommy Magic.  :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

I'm Free!

Over the last few days Joe has found a way to work his hands out of his swaddle.
So I decided to let him try sleeping unswaddled today during his naps.
He did great!  It took him a little longer to fall asleep, but
overall, I'd say he's liking the new freedom.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Happy 4 Months!!

Happy 4 months Joe!!

 You are growing bigger and bigger by the day.  You slimmed down a little bit since your last
doctor's appointment, but you're getting taller.  You're going to be tall just like your daddy.

Height - 26 in. (84th Percentile)
Weight - 14 lbs 13.5 oz (36th Percentile)
Head Circumference - 16.75 cm (77th Percentile) 

You are such a happy little guy.  You give us lots and lots of smiles every single day.  And
you don't hold back with your smiles at all.  They are the biggest, wide mouth smiles I've
ever seen.  Even at 3:00 in the morning when you wake up to eat, I look down at you on the
changing table and through the darkness I can still see your big goofy grin looking back at
me.  It makes it really hard to be upset for having to get up in the middle of the night when I 
get to look at that adorable smile.
And speaking of sleep, you're back to waking up at least once or sometimes twice a night.  
You spoiled us at the beginning by sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old, but I knew it
was only a matter of time before that wore off.  And I'm more than happy to get up and feed
you to make sure you keep growing big and healthy.  The great thing is you fall right back
asleep when you are done so the feedings are pretty short. 

 Your daddy set up your crib and you are sleeping in your very own room now.  It's great to 
have a quiet place to put you for naps and I feel like you are sleeping so much better
because of it.  You have amazed me with your sleep habits because you've
learned to put yourself to sleep.  I was dreading sleep training, which I knew would be
coming up soon, because I had no idea what to expect.  Would there be hours of endless
crying while you learned to soothe yourself??  And how would that work with Owen in the
room right next door to you?  To get a jump start I tried putting you down awake a few times for some of your naps.  The first time you fussed for maybe 10 minutes and then fell asleep
on your own.  What?!?  That is amazing!!  There are times when you don't even fuss at all.  
I put you down awake and you go right to sleep.  This is a game changer.  No more walking
 laps with you while you fall asleep.  You actually seem happier to just be put down and given your space to sleep.  I am still in awe.  Thanks for being such a great sleeper buddy! 

Your day pretty much consists of eating, sleeping, and playing.  You love laying on your
activity mat with the toys hanging above you.  You kick your little legs and grab for the toys.
You love watching Owen play and you are completely fascinated with the TV.  You've started
babbling and love when someone sits and talks to you.  You smile and talk away.  
Right now you're trying to put everything in your mouth.  These pictures were hard to take
because all you wanted to do the whole time was chew on your hands.  Maybe it's a sign
that your teeth are ready to make an appearance.


One of the more exciting things is you've started giving us little laughs here and there.  I call
them little, but it is actually hilarious because you have this deep little voice that sounds
so funny coming from someone so little.  One of the easiest ways to get you to laugh is to
tickle you.  You are super ticklish on your sides and on your neck.  I can also get you to
laugh if I bounce you up and down on my knee like you are riding a horse.  You're giggling
more and more all the time, so it's really fun to find new ways to amuse you.

You honestly don't get upset very often, but the one thing that is sure to make you mad is a
ride in your carseat.  Unless you are tired and fall right asleep, you will cry the majority of our ride.  Most of the time I end up sticking my arm in the backseat and holding the nuk
in your mouth and that seems to calm you down.  I'm not sure what it is about the car, but
for some reason, you are not a fan.  But if that is one of the only times you are upset,
I would say we are pretty lucky to have such an amazing, happy baby.  Love you buddy!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My Funny Little Valentines

If I thought it was hard taking pictures when it was just Owen, add Joe to the mix and
it creates a whole new level of difficulty. Trying to get them both to look at the camera
is nearly impossible.  Today we had Owen's Valentine's Day party at school.  Since both he
and Joe were dressed in their festive attire, I decided to try to take a picture of the two 
of them.  TRY being the key word there.  Here we go....

Owen: "Hey Buddy, I have an idea.  She wants us to look at the camera??  
Let's really show her and look in opposite directions."

Owen:  "Ready....Go!"

Joe:  "Woop woop!  We nailed that one."

Owen:  "You think that's good.  Watch this.  Pretty hard to take our picture 
when I'm jumping on the bed.  Ha!!" 

Joe:  "Ha ha!  You're hilarious!  I have so much to learn.  Together we can drive Mom crazy!"

Joe: "I'm just kidding Mom.  Quick Look...I'm Smiling!"

 Owen: "Hey!  Wipe that smile off your face.  Don't think I didn't see that, brown noser."

Owen: "Don't be mad.  I'm just playing with you.  You know I love you."

Owen: "Ok Mom.  Get your camera ready.  I have a little smile just for you."

Owen: "Look Mom, I'm holding him and acting all cute for the camera.  Did I 
earn those fruit snacks you were bribing me with yet?"

Thursday, February 6, 2014

TV Nerds

I'm a little embarrassed to admit that kids are already tv nerds.

 On the bright side, it's a great way to sneak in some tummy time.  

Baby Smiles

There aren't a whole lot of activities to blog about with Joe, but I wanted to take a minute
to share some of my favorite pics over the past few weeks.  There are few things
I love more than his big toothless smile. :)

 I couldn't leave Owen out.  :)


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Future Montessori Student

I was on the phone with my mom this morning explaining to her that Joe came down with croup, plus we got dumped on with snow again so we were going to have yet another entire day cooped up inside. Being the Montessori teacher that she is, she gave me some great suggestions of things to do to keep Owen busy.  

Exhibit A: Cupcake tin, Pom poms, tongs


It started out promising. It was a little hard for him to use the tongs, but he gave it his best effort and then just opted for his hands.  

It didn't take long however before there was an all out Pom Pom tornado in our basement. Owen got tired of carefully putting them in the tin and threw them by the handful all over the basement. 


So maybe he's not the ideal Montessori student quite yet, but don't worry Grandma, we'll figure it out eventually. Thanks for the idea. :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Guess Who's 33?

Ryan...that's Who!
Happy Birthday My Looooooooooooooove!!

 You are an amazing husband and an even more amazing Dad!  I can't think of anything
that makes me happier than watching you with Owen and Joe.

You go above and beyond to help out,

Owen has an absolute blast when he is with you,

You're one of the best snugglers I know,

 And you always pick out the coolest outfits! :)

Owen and Joe are SO lucky to have such a great role model to grow up with and
I am so lucky to have married my best friend.

So my wish for you today on your birthday is that we can make you you feel even 1/10th 
of how special you make us feel.  Because is we can do that, you'll be having a
pretty spectacular day.  We love you!!