Monday, August 29, 2016

Little Lawnmower

One of Joe's favorite toys to play with outside is his lawnmower.  It comes as no surprise that when Ryan gets out the real lawnmower Joe is more than happy to help him out.

We can only hope his love for the lawnmower continues as he gets older.
I'm sure Ryan would be more than happy to hand that chore off to him.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

2 Months Old

Say hello to my little 2 month old

Weight - 11 lbs. 6 oz. (21st Percentile)
Height - 23.5 in. (65th Percentile)
Head Circumference - 15.25 in. (30th Percentile)

Miles is such a good baby! He sleeps, eats, plays, then repeats this cycle throughout the
day.  He doesn't seem to have a fussy time at all, which is really nice.  He goes with the flow
and doesn't complain.  With two very active boys, this has proved to be super helpful. 
Since he is generally a happy baby, when he cries we know there is really something that is
bothering him.  The first thing I check is when he ate last.  He eats every 3 hours or so,
sometimes less, sometimes more.  He's a great eater and is growing like a champ.  If I know he's not hungry I check to see if he has a poopy diaper.  If that comes up clean, then it
typically means he is tired and needs some help getting to sleep.  Other than that,
the only time I really saw him super upset and inconsolable was yesterday when he
had his 2 month shots.  He was so sad.  After being around him for 2 months,
it's easy to read him and it was clear this poor little guy was in pain.
Thankfully after a little Tylenol he was back to his happy self.

He is such a happy little guy.  He's awake more during the day now so we are able to
interact with him a lot more.  Normally when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap I'll
lay him in front of me and smile and talk to him.  He loves giving big toothless grins back
and has even started cooing and "talking" back to me.  He gets so excited and his little arms
and legs move a mile a minute.  He also likes laying on his play mat.  Occasionally he'll grab
for the toys hanging above him, but most of the time he's content watching the flashing
lights and flailing his arms and legs all over.  He'll lay there for a good while, but when he's
had enough he'll let you know that he's ready to snuggle again.  His other favorite place is
laying on a blanket on the front lawn looking up at the trees.  He loves it!  And it's nice
because Owen and Joe can ride their bikes up and down the sidewalk while I sit with him.

And speaking of things that are nice, it is really nice that he is doing much better at night
these days.  He goes to bed anywhere between 8-10PM depending on when the last time
was he ate (he's not on any routine schedule yet).  He'll have about a 5 hour stretch of
sleep, which is awesome!  I try to go to bed at the same time he does so I get some good
sleep.  After the first stretch he'll go maybe 3 hours, then make it another 2.  Typically I'm
still up 2 to 3 times a night with him, but that first long stretch makes a huge difference.  In
the morning, he wakes up at a different time every day.  Sometimes he'll be ready to get up
at 6 AM, and sometimes he and I don't get up until 8.  It depends on how lazy he's feeling
that morning.  When I look over into his bed and his big blue eyes are staring up at me,
I know there will be no more sleeping for the night.

The boys love being around Miles and can hardly wait until he is a little bigger so they can
play with him more.  Right now they love hugging him, kissing him and getting as close to
him as they can.  When Owen talks to him he'll get right up in Miles' face so he can rub
faces and kiss him.  The boys don't realize how strong they are and how fragile he still is, so
a lot of the time I am asking them to back away from him.  But it won't be long until they will
all be playing together.  For now, there's not a day goes by where I don't say "Please don't
touch his hands or face," or "Please back up buddy.  Give him some space."  I sound like a
broken record.  It's frustrating.  You'd think they would learn, but I guess they really want to
show Miles how much they love him and there could be worse things than that.

We all love Miles so much and can't imagine our family without him.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sober Sisters

You may not believe it after looking at this next group of pictures,
but Sarah and I were two of the most sober people at the wedding! 
We're just this much fun naturally!!

Alex and Jill's Big Day

It's finally here...the wedding day!  The last of the West kids is getting married.  We are so
excited for Alex and Jill and hope their special day was as fun for them as it was for all of
the rest of us.  A huge thanks to Sarah for taking all of these amazing pictures.
No better way to remember the day than by looking at these.

 Here are the cutest little ring bearer and flower girl around.

They both did great!  With all of the festivities that day Joe didn't have a chance to take his normal nap.  As luck would have it, he fell asleep in Ryan's lap 10 minutes before he had to walk down the aisle.  I woke him up and was terrified that I wouldn't be able to get him to walk down the aisle because he was so upset.  But after a little coaxing with some pretzels and peanuts from the bar, he was good to go.

I walked in right before Joe so sadly I didn't get to see him.  Leading up to today I had no
idea what he might do or if he would cooperate.  All I wanted was for him to make people
smile.  When I heard everyone giggle behind me I knew my mission for him was
accomplished.  I was told he marched right down the aisle, very matter of factly, whipping
his ring pillow back and forth by the ribbons.  Based on the picture it looks like he didn't
even wait for Ellie to come with him.  He was on his own mission.


Here is one of my new favorite pictures...the sibling hug.

Remember when I mentioned the golf cart situation at the rehearsal?  The wedding was a
whole new level of crazy.  Since I was busy doing wedding party stuff, poor Ryan was on
constant watch as the boys would take off running towards any golf cart they saw and step
on the gas pedal.  Some had keys, some did not.  What best summed up his day was when
a random stranger was watching Ryan and said, "Somebody get this guy a drink!"  But he
was so patient and good with the boys.  I am so lucky to have such a helpful, hands-on
husband and our boys are lucky to have a dad who loves spending so much time with them,
even when they are testing the limits.

 There was a lot of love in the air today.  Miles was lucky enough to be on the receiving end
of a lot of it.  He was passed around from person to person all wanting to love on him.  But
the one person who kept him content the longest was my Aunt Diane.  He loved lying on her
chest and I think she was just as enamored with him.  She sat and held him for a good
portion of the evening and he didn't move a muscle.  He was so content and happy.  With all the passing around, I still made sure Grandma got a chance to get a little Miles snuggle in.

Alex and Jill, today was a great day!  
We are so happy we got to be a part of it and wish you a lifetime of love and happiness.
We love you!!