Sunday, August 17, 2014

Pee Pee in the Pot-tay!!

Guess who went pee pee in the big potty last night??  OWEN!!

We haven't really started potty training yet, but I figured we were getting close so I decided
to buy a little potty.  It's one of the little seats that fit into our regular toilet seat and I have it
sitting right next to the toilet.  Now that he knows it's there, he asks to go potty.  I've sat him
on it a few times just to introduce him to it, but we never had any luck...until last night! 

I took him upstairs to give him his bath and I asked him if he wanted to try to go potty.
He sat on that little seat, staring down, practically willing it to happen.  And as Ryan and I
watched, probably willing it to happen just as much as he was....he did it!!  
He peed in the potty!!

And not only did he do it once, but after he got out of the bath he asked to sit on the 
potty again.  I'm not even sure how he had anything left, but he concentrated...
peed...paused...and then peed a little more.  It was like he was so excited 
with this new found skill that he was doing everything he could to 
push out whatever he possibly could.

What a big day for this little guy!!  First hair cut and first time peeing in the big boy potty.  
We are so proud of you Owen!! 

And with your new interest in the potty and random urges to take off your diaper,
I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of our naked ninja.  Hi-ya!


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