Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Ten Month Old

Happy 10 Months Little Joe!!
Height - 28.5 in (34th Percentile)
Weight - 19 lbs 1 oz (29th Percentile)

If I were to paint a picture of how I remember Joe right at this moment, it would be a picture
of his big sweet smile.  I picture walking into his room when he wakes up, him laying on
his tummy, pushing up on his arms and peeking his head up to give me one of his huge
grins.  Then almost as if he gets bashful, he quickly puts his head down and hides his face
only to push back up with another gigantic smile.  It honestly never gets old.  And the great
thing is, he gives us those smiles ALL the time.  I can walk out of the room, walk back in,
smile at him and he smiles like he hasn't seen me in hours.  If there is one thing I will always
remember about Joe as a baby, it is how incredibly happy he was. 

He is also a very friendly baby.  Thankfully we haven't hit the separation anxiety phase yet.
Most of the time he is perfectly content being handed off to someone other than Ryan or I.
And when we're out and about running errands he typically rides front and center in the Bjorn, so he's always being talked to and smiled at. He always reciprocates with friendly
smiles back.  He's just happy being where all the action is.

And speaking of his smile, he has three bottom teeth and is now starting to cut two 
teeth on the top.  One is just barely poking out and you can see the second one is right
there with it.  I would guess within the couple of days they'll be clearly visible.  He gets a
little fussy when he is getting new teeth in, but for the most part it doesn't seem to bother
him all that much.  After all, more teeth mean he can move onto new and exciting foods.

It took us awhile to get to this point, but his appetite has picked up tremendously.  For such
a long time I could barely get him to eat anything other than milk.  I started adding Oatmeal
to his purees, and I don't know if it was the added texture or maybe just coincidental timing,
but either way he started eating, which I am super happy about.  He typically has a bowl of
fruit puree and oatmeal in the morning, yogurt at lunch, and veggie puree and oatmeal
for dinner.  He also loves chewing on things like Mum-Mum's, Puffs and Graham crackers.
He LOVES LOVES LOVES graham crackers.  Definitely one of his favorites. 

We are now starting to add a few more finger foods.  It actually happened by accident really. For breakfast Owen had his favorite, "waffles in a bowl in the room."  He happened to leave
his bowl of waffles in the room and I didn't notice they were tucked behind his couch.  The
one person who did seem to notice was Joe.  He and I were playing in the living room
while Owen was napping.  I walked into the kitchen, walked back in and he was chewing on
something.  Sure enough, he had found the waffles.  They seemed harmless so I sat him up
to see how he would do with them.  He loved them!  He grabbed a little square of waffle in
his fist and held onto it as tight as he possibly could.  He gnawed at that little piece of waffle until there was nothing left sticking out from his hand.  Then I grabbed whatever was left
of the mushy piece of waffle out of his clenched fist and gave him a brand new piece.  He
kept eating and eating it.  Waffles are quickly becoming a second favorite.
Specifically Cinnamon Toast Eggos.  ;) 

It really is true that babies will tell you when they're ready for certain developmental steps.  
Joe wasn't a huge fan of solids right away, so I went with his pace and didn't try to push
anything.  I gave him Puffs to chew on, but most times he would put them in his mouth and
spit them right back out.  More recently I noticed he was doing much better with the puffs
and graham crackers, but seeing him inhale the waffles was a straight up sign that he was
ready to take on some more exciting foods.  What's crazy is the change was seriously overnight!  Just yesterday he was completely happy with his purees, and now he is turning
his head refusing them and only wanting to eat more solid foods he can chew on.  Crazy!  Looks like I'll be going out to buy some fun new foods to try.

Another fun change is Joe is starting to become so much more vocal.  He initially started
with the "ba" syllable.  But now he is moved on to "da" and "ga."  He definitely says
"da da."  Not sure if he correlates it with Ryan, but I'd like to thinks he does.
I'm holding out hope that "ma" is just around the corner.  He says it every now and then,
but "da da" is definitely his word of choice at the moment.  It makes me really happy
because I think it makes Ryan feel special, which is always a good thing. 

The other thing we're waiting on is for this little boy to crawl.  Actually, truth be told, I'm 
quite content with him staying somewhat in one place at the moment.  He gets where
he needs to by rolling and pivoting on his belly.  Part of me wonders if he is ever going to 
crawl because right now he has no need to.  I've seen a very slight bit of army crawling to 
get a toy just a foot or two in front of him, but otherwise his main mode of transportation is
the roll.  What's crazy is this kid loves his tummy!  He is on his tummy all the time.  You'd
think that with all that tummy action he would eventually push up onto his knees and
attempt a crawl, but nope. He'll push up onto his knees, stay there for a few seconds, then
he pushes his legs out to the side almost like frog legs and he's back to his belly. My mom
reminded me that I never crawled when I was younger, so maybe Joe will take after me and
move right to walking when he's ready.  So crazy to think that's just a few months away! 

What I'm hoping is less than a few months away is Joe's desire to sleep through the night.
A week or two ago I thought for sure we had turned a corner, but he's back to waking once
per night.  Maybe all these new finger foods will fill him up and he'll want to sleep more.
Come on Joe...You can do it!!  I promise you, getting 11 or 12 hours of sleep in
a row is great!!  And if you and your brother would also like to sleep in past 5:30AM, 
that would be an added bonus.  

10 months down and 2 to go before you will officially be one year old!!
I'm loving every minute of it.  :)

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