Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Baby Steps

Just when we thought we were safe with crawling,
Owen found a new task to master....


Just kidding!  Though it is impressive, isn't it?

He's found the stairs and decided he wants to use them to get to his feet.

"What??  You want me to start walking now??"

"HA HA HA!!  That's the funnies thing I've ever heard Mom!"


Monday, November 26, 2012

10 Months

Guess who is 10 months old already??

That's right....this guy!

The monkey isn't looking so crazy big anymore.

 I was just looking back at my 9 month post to do some comparisons 
and it is crazy to see where he has come in one month.  

Just one short month ago...
he was getting up on all fours, but not crawling,
only beginning to use his pincer grasp,
and his top two teeth were starting to poke through.

he crawls all over the place and moves around with complete ease.
It makes me miss the days where I could set him down on a blanket with some toys
and walk out of the room for a few minutes. ;)
He has even started pulling up on things which means walking is right around the corner.  

He is able to feed himself most finger foods that I put in front of him.
Able being the key word there.  If they feel a little funny, maybe a little wet or mushy,
he'll push them aside.  And there is no need for a spoon anymore.
He'll take the little fruit/veggie pouches and suck them down in no time.
The nice thing is it makes feeding on the go easier.

Favorite Foods - Toast, String cheese, Puffs, Yogurt Melts, Arrowroot cookies and most purees

His top two teeth are fully in and only add to the cutest little smile I've ever seen.

Personality wise,  he is still a very calm and happy baby,
but from time to time I do see a little bit of that red headed temper come out.
Only for a brief minute, but enough to show me it's there.

Most of the time though he is very happy and content.

Ryan's aunts told me they were amazed with how focused and alert he was.
Since he's my first I don't have much to compare him to, but I would have to agree. 
He loves reading books, or at least listening and watching while I read.
Favorite Book - Noisy Peek-a-Boo
Favorite toy - The remote control Grandma got him and 
the yellow lid from the Fisher Price shape box.  It's the simple things. 
He's still taking two naps and sleeping 11-12 hours at night. WOO!!
I love going to wake him up in the morning.
As soon as the hallway light goes on, he sits at the end of the crib closest 
to the door and watches.  I slowly push the door open and as soon as he sees Ryan 
or I, he gets so excited.  He almost bumped his head on the crib a few times
because he gets so excited that he jumps forward to crawl closer and 
practically jumps right into the side of the crib.

I also love the cute little laugh and smile he has right now.
He still has his giggling fits every now and then, but he started doing this silly
laugh all the time.  He bursts out with a "Ha Ha Ha" almost like an adult doing a 
fake or forced laugh.  Coming from him though, it's hilarious.

And his new little smile where he wrinkles his nose and lifts his one eyebrow is hysterical too.

I love him more and more every day and am so thankful to have such an amazing little family.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so many things to be thankful for, 
but most importantly I'm thankful for our wonderful family,
our amazing friends, and our good health.

This year we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with Ryan's side of the family,
but my mom made sure that Owen had a festive outfit to party in.
Here are a few pictures from the day. 


Happy Thanksgiving!!  Gobble Gobble Gobble!!

The Art of Sharing

I've given into the fact that there is just no way to get 
a good picture of Ruby and Owen together.
However, that being said, it is absolutely hilarious trying.
I keep snapping as we go because when I go back to look at the 
pictures they always make me giggle.

Take yesterday for example.
When we started taking the pictures Ruby was in possession of the lens cap.

She sets it down in front of them and it catches Owen's eye.

He grabs it and is ecstatic with his new treasure.

Ruby on other hand is not as happy with what he has found and claimed as his own.

She quickly snatches it back and reclaims her treasure.

 She tries to hide it but Owen is not fooled that easily. 

Take the lens cap away and we're all smiles again.

Don't worry little guys...we have plenty of time to teach you about sharing.  :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Simple Things

Exhibit A:
Owen's play area with all of the colorful, noisy, light up toys 
you could ask for as a 10 month old.

Yet what seems to catch his attention??
Exhibit B:

Yep.  The simple old rubber spatula from the kitchen.

And when he gets tired of that does he go for the toys?

Exhibit C:

He crawls under the jumper I tried to use as a blocker
to get to the simple fake leaves I have as decorations for Fall.

Owen it's great that you already know how to enjoy the simple things in life.



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wausau Fun

This past weekend we made our monthly trek to Wausau.

Everyone was very excited to see Owen, and I suppose Ryan and I too.  ;)
Even though it's only been a month, he's changed so much since they've seem him last.

He's feeding himself,
(when he's not distracted by Auntie Hannah's bubbles)

sitting up by himself,

and full on, can't take your eyes off of him for a minute, crawling.

Aiden was so good with Owen all weekend,

that I know when the time comes, he is going to make the best big brother.   

It goes without saying that we had a great time, were sad to leave,
but the next time we'll go back will be Christmas. :)
Is Christmas really almost here??
Is Owen really almost a year??
Crazy how fast time flies! 
Until next time Wausau....we'll miss you.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The End to Our Healthy Streak

Anyone who knows me well, knows I've done my best to keep Owen from getting sick.
With him being born early, at the beginning it was about keeping him from
having to go back into the hospital.
Then as he got older, it was more to shield him from feeling bad.  
I know I hate feeling sick, so for a baby who doesn't even have the luxury of blowing 
his own nose, it has to be the worst!

After 9 months my successful healthy streak has finally come to an end.
Owen tested positive for RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus).
He also has Bronchiolitis and an ear infection to top things off.
 I feel so sorry for the little guy.  He's so congested and clearly uncomfortable.
He's on antibiotics for the ear infection, Motrin for his fever,
plus, because of the bronchiolitis the doctor has us giving him 
breathing treatments every four hours.

He hated them at first, but now we just pop a movie on and he tolerates it better.
He even fell asleep during one of them today!

The good news is between the sad cries, coughs, sneezes,
he still manages to crack a smile here and there.

She says it is typically a 7 day course, so it should be a fun week.
I just want him to feel better.  It is so sad to watch him be so uncomfortable
and not be able to help him out at all.
Thankfully cuddles seem to cheer him up a little bit
and I have plenty of those to last me 7 days.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Owen is on the Move

Life as we know it is no longer the same.

That's right.  Owen is on the move.