Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Oak Park Conservatory

Joe and I had some time before we needed to pick Owen up from school so I decided to
take him to the Oak Park Conservatory.  I had actually never been there before, even with
Owen, so this was a first for both of us.  I was pleasantly surprised.  It's not all that big,
but it was perfect for Joe.  He explored the various gardens, 

visited the fish and the talking parrot, 

 and played in the new Discovery Garden.

To be honest, I think his favorite part of the whole visit was breaking through the plastic barriers that separated each room.  It was like one big game of peek a boo.

 What a great way to keep ourselves busy while Owen was at school.

Monday, September 28, 2015

My Little Munchkin

It's been lots of fun going to Munchkins class with Joe these past few weeks.  I always see
him around his big brother, so it's interesting to see him interact with others when he's on his
own.  Surprisingly he's very independent.  I'm used to the Joe that clings to my legs and
gets so sad when I walk out of the room.  But when he is in his class, he's perfectly happy
keeping himself entertained without me by his side...and that makes me really happy.
Don't get me wrong, I love how affectionate he is, but I also think it is so important
for my kids to be independent and I love that I'm seeing that side of him.

Occasionally he will play with some of the other kids in the class, but typically they all keep
to their own activities.  It's more about parallel play and exploring at this age then playing in
a group.  It's actually probably a good thing because Joe has become very defensive having
an older brother around all the time.  He knows what is his and you better be careful if you
try to take it from him.  He's not afraid to stick up for himself.  Again, a good thing to some
extent because I want my kids to defend themselves, but we're working on the delivery.  ;)

I'm very happy I decided to do this class with him and I look forward to watching him
grow and explore a bunch of new things over the next year.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Dr. Bonner called me today with the results from the D&C and the chromosomes are
abnormal.  Surprisingly this is what we were hoping for, so ultimately it's a good thing to be
abnormal.  It explains why the miscarriage happened.  Something wasn't right with the
baby's chromosomes.  If the chromosomes had come back normal, they would have no idea
why the miscarriage occurred.  They would do tests to try to find an answer but she said
they normally never find anything anyway and it becomes more frustrating.  

The only negative with the abnormal result is it has been three miscarriages in a row now.
With no other reason to explain them, that is simply a lot of bad eggs.  There's no
guaranteeing whether the next egg will be good or bad.  I might get pregnant and everything
will go fine.  Or there's a chance it will end in another miscarriage.  It really comes down to
how much I can take emotionally.  But at this point, I'm not ready to give up.  I truly believe
that things will happen when they are supposed to, but I'm really hoping that's soon
because this has not been easy.

I tried to be so strong and convince myself that things were alright after the last one.  I told
myself that things happen for a reason and it would happen when the time was right.  I let
people know I was OK and I was moving on.  But what's weird is as much as my head was
telling me to be strong, my heart was falling apart without me realizing it.  I'd have emotional
days here and there, but then they got a little more frequent.  I had tried so hard to suppress
my feelings and tell myself I was OK, but there's no way to make those feelings go away.  

We've been trying for 9 months to get pregnant.  I've been pregnant 3 times, miscarried 3
times, had an unsuccessful D&C followed up by another one a week later, and I've been
waiting 3 weeks since then to find out exactly what is going on with my body and what the
future holds for expanding our family.  I don't care how strong you are or how much your
head tells you to be OK, that is a lot for anyone to take.

But for today I'm hopeful.  Hopeful that things go better the next time
and we are able to add a third healthy baby to our family.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Our First Visit to the ER

We made it over 3.5 years, but our serious accident free streak has now come to an end.
Based on how fearless and energetic Owen is, I'm actually surprised we lasted this long.

Last night after Ryan came home from work, the two of them were playing.  Owen went to
jump from the ottoman to the couch and throw a pillow at Ryan when the ottoman slipped
out from under him.  He fell head first into the wooden base of the couch.

He started crying and Ryan picked him up right away and held him.  He didn't think anything
of it until he pulled Owen away and saw the blood rushing down his face.  I was in the
kitchen and walked in to see what was going on right at that moment.  Ryan ran into the
kitchen and we grabbed a kitchen towel and put it on his forehead.
I am proud to say that we both remained relatively calm.

After a few seconds I took the towel away to see what we were dealing with.  It was a huge,
deep gash straight across his forehead about 1.5" long.  I knew we needed to go to the ER
to have them take care of it.  We quickly grabbed our stuff and ran out the door.  I sat in the
back of the car and held the towel on Owen's head.  He was actually very calm.

We drove to Loyola since I knew they always had a pediatrician in their ER and it was closer
than driving all the way to Lurie's.  We walked into a packed ER.  I asked the lady
checking us in if it was going to be awhile and if we were better off going somewhere else.
She assured us it wouldn't be long and that typically they try to get kids in pretty fast.

She was right.  They took us back to triage to do the initial assessment on Owen within
minutes.  We went back out and waited in the waiting room for maybe 20 minutes more
before they brought Owen back to a room.  The pediatric resident came to look at his wound
and the doctor followed shortly after.  They let us know the typical protocol these days is to
use glue rather than stitches.  It is less traumatic on everyone.  As long as they can
approximate the wound together, which they could, gluing was the way to go.  I was
relieved.  I was dreading the whole process of stitches.  Owen made it easy on us all
though.  He was such a trooper.

The only time he got upset was when the doctor was gluing the wound shut.  He was quiet
the whole time the doctor cleaned it out.  Then the doctor had him lay down so he could
glue it.  It was actually kind of funny because in a quiet, somewhat silly voice, Owen would
say, "Ow.  Ow.  That hurts me."  I think the calmness in which he said it was what made it
funny.  So matter of fact.  It was near the end of the gluing when he got a little upset.  I don't
know if the glue stung a little or if the doctor pinched it a little too much, but nonetheless,
one or two tears were shed.  But he calmed down within seconds and it was all done.

The cut was glued shut and Owen was as good as new.  Pretty amazing if you ask me.  I'm
a little nervous about the possibility of there being a large scar, but only time will tell.  In the
meantime we're so proud of our brave little boy and just as happy with how cooperative Joe
was through the whole ER visit.  It made our first visit a breeze.

He has to take it easy for a few days so he doesn't risk reopening the wound,
but I'm sure Owen and Daddy will be back to rough housing in no time.  
With a little less couch jumping from now on.  ;)

Monday, September 21, 2015

While Owen is Away, Joe will play

Joe and I are settling into our new routine while Owen is at school.  Monday and Wednesday we go to Munchkins class, which leaves us Tuesday and Thursday to do whatever we want.  Lately it's been looking a little something like this.  We drop Owen off at school, I go for a run during which Joe falls asleep in the stroller and naps, I stop at Starbucks, then take my coffee and my sleeping buddy to the park.  

Once he's had his fill of the park we head over to the library.  I hadn't been to the library in a really long time and I forgot how much there is to do.

After the library we walk back over to Pilgrim to pick a very happy Owen up.

These are the days that I really love being a stay at home mom.  Come winter when we're stuck inside all day or braving the freezing cold, I'll be begging for days like these.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Owen and Joe are finally to the point where they are really playing together and it is so
much fun to watch.  They always loved each other and enjoyed being by one another, but
now they actually play.  Chase each other around, joke with one another, help each other
out when one is hurt.  I've been waiting for this and it's as heartwarming
as I imagined it would be.  

For example, they played this little game in the backyard for about 15 minutes.  Joe would
get in the car and Owen would jump on the roof.  As soon as Joe spotted him he would hop
out, walk to the back of the car, pull Owen off and hop right back in.  It went on and on.

 Nothing all that exciting, but it kept them busy and it was comical to watch.  I can only
imagine all the other crazy things these boys are going to get into.  I'm so happy
they have each other to be crazy with.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The 606

 This morning Ryan and I were planning on doing something fun.  A few weeks ago we drove down to Stan's Donuts in Wicker Park.  While we were there we talked about how when it got a little cooler out it would be nice to go down there, grab donuts, coffee and let the kids play at Wicker Park.  Nothing too exciting, but fun for a Saturday morning.  Since the temperatures were supposed to be in the low 60s this morning we figured it was the perfect time to go.

Unfortunately the weater did not want to cooperate this morning.  We woke up to rain, but figured we would drive down anyway and take our chances.  Owen was super excited because he's been waiting for an opportunity to walk outside with his umbrella.

We ordered our donuts and sat inside to eat them giving the rain time to pass.  I had been watching the radar and was optimistic that the rain would stop any minute.

Luckily for us it did.  While the rain put a damper on our park plans, literally, we decided to follow a suggestion from some of our friends and check out "The 606."  It's an old "el" train track that the city has converted into a walking path.  They had been talking about plans for a walking path ever since Ryan and I lived at Maplewood 5 years ago.  It's taken awhile to finally come to fruition, but it's well worth it.  It was awesome and the boys loved it!

Owen rode his scooter until his little heart was content.  No stopping, no streets, no cars.

And Joe was amazed at everything he saw being up in the air.

Joe even took a turn on the scooter himself, with his brother's help of course.

It was a little gloomy when we first got up there, but the sun came out and it turned into a really nice morning.

I'm glad we stuck with our plans because it was a great Saturday morning.  
Something I think we might be doing quite frequently this fall.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Rain Boot Fun

Owen and Joe absolutely LOVE their rain boots.  I keep them in the closet, but anytime they
spot them they grab them and wear them around the house.  We finally had some rain today
which meant we were able to get outside and use the boots for what they were
intended for....Puddle jumping!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Joe's First Day of School

Today was another exciting day in the Kalita household....Joe's first day of school!!

 As most second kids do, Joe has been lugged around to Owen's various activities for the past two years.  Soccer, basketball, t-ball, swimming...you name it, Joe has been sitting on the sidelines watching.  Until today that is.  Today was his very first class, just for him and I.  And today, because Owen had a shortened school day, he was the one tagging along for a change.  Joe was definitely happy to have his big brother there though.

 After Joe's class we headed over to Pilgrim to drop Owen off at school.  Since the boys are
only in school for an hour these first few days it's been great because it gives my friend
Rachel and I the perfect amount of time to go grab some coffee.  Now a coffee date is
something Joe is more than happy to tag along to.

After some coffee we went back to pick Owen up and took a few more pictures.

One to celebrate Joe and his first day of school.

One of Owen with his teachers, Miss Kathy and Miss Donna. 

And a few with Asher, our neighbor and one of his favorite little friends.
He is so excited that he gets to go to "Asher's school" this year.  ;)