Saturday, June 30, 2018

Why I Love My Husband...

I mean with a pose like that, and his one stray curl of hair sticking up and to the side,
how can I not??  ;)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Summer Adventures

It's always fun when school is out because then Owen gets to join us
on our daytime adventures.  Happy Summer!!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Scorpion Season Recap

The Scorpions had their end of the season picnic today.

Here are Owen's stats:

Batting Average- .796 (5th)
RBIs - 25 (tied for 5th)
Runs - 27 (5th)
Singles - 36
Doubles - 6 (Tied for 1st)

He should be so proud of his accomplishments!!  He's on a team with first graders, so for
him to finish where he did is awesome!  Especially tying for first with doubles!!  Hitting a
double in tee ball is a tough feat, and by the end of the season he made it look easy.

Way to go Owen!!  We are so proud of you!!  You're a great little baseball player,
but more importantly, you had tons of fun with your friends, which is what it's all about!
Can't wait to see what next season holds.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Miles' Birthday Weekend

While we didn't do a formal birthday party for Miles this year, he got something better....
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit!!

So not only did he get to celebrate with his some of his cousins on his actual birthday,

But he got to have special birthday dinner with Grandma and Grandpa too!

I think it's safe to say he had a great birthday, even without a party!  :)

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Our Little Two Year Old

Our baby is officially two!  

Growth Stats
Height - 34 in. (49th Percentile)
Weight - 24 lbs 8 oz. (11th Percentile)

He's not so much a baby anymore as he is a full of energy, fearless toddler.  He runs
everywhere and is always wanting to be doing what his big brothers are doing.  He's super
sweet and smiley, and everyone always comments how cute he is.  I mean that smile...
how can you not instantly just fall in love?? 

There are a few things that Miles absolutely LOVES right now.  One of those things is
Mickey Mouse.  Every single day he asks to wear a "hot dog" shirt, meaning a Mickey
Mouse shirt.  In case you don't get the reference, "Hot Dog" is the theme song to the Mickey
Mouse Clubhouse cartoon, so he equates hot dog with Mickey Mouse.  Needless to say,
we've had to invest in a few more Mickey Mouse shirts in order to avoid doing laundry
every other day.  It's worth it to make him this happy.  :)

The other thing Miles loves is sweets!  He's not a huge eater, but anytime he goes and
grabs a snack from the cupboard it's something sweet.  He'll walk up to me with a pack of
fruit snacks at 8AM and think that's a totally acceptable morning snack.  Cookies, cake,
ice cream, brownies, candy...if it's sweet, he'll eat it!

The other thing he would eat all day is smoothie.  Ryan makes us one every morning and
he'll have two full cups, and then drink more later on in the day if there's any left.  He
absolutely LOVES it!!  It's a much better choice than fruit snacks since we can sneak in milk,
yogurt and other things he normally wouldn't touch, so I'm all for his smoothie habit.

Other favorite foods - Pancakes (he'll even eat them frozen!), Fig bars

As sweet and innocent as this little guy looks, he's fearless!!  He climbs on and jumps off
anything he can. Nothing scares him!  At the Longfellow playground he'll climb to the top of
the tallest slide without a single care in the world.  I look on, secretly terrified, but trying to
do my best to let him explore on his own and build his independence.

I love this little guy SO much!!  I will never get tired of all his hugs and kisses.  I love hearing him call Owen, "Oh-nee, Oh-nee" and greet Joe anytime he sees him with the sweetest little "Hi Joe!"  Happy 2nd birthday buddy!!  You make us so happy!!  

Birthday Package from Grandma

My mom is the absolute best at sending the boys little packages in the mail for their
birthdays and other fun occasions.  She always finds fun little things to put in the box and
the boys love opening it and seeing all the treasures.  Today Miles got his birthday box.

Thanks Grandma!!  We love you!!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day Ryan!!

Typically on Mother's Day and Father's Day, Ryan and I like doing something as a family,
that's ultimately fun for the kids.  This year for his special day, Ryan chose GameWorks.

And in the spirit of doing fun things with the kids, I felt it was only appropriate to get
Ryan his own scooter so they could all go on rides together.  How cool is he??

Happy Father's Day Ryan!!  You are the most amazing, thoughtful, caring and most
importantly FUN dad on the whole planet.  We love you bigger than space!!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Black Pumpkins

One new thing I learned this year is that even though Oak Park doesn't have a t-ball league
before Kindergarten, Forest Park does.  This spring we decided to sign Joe up for.
The team name the kids decided on...the Black Pumpkins. 

His best friend Cuinn was on the team, so at the very least we thought they'd have fun.
I am starting to see why Oak Park doesn't start them until later.  Joe really wanted nothing
to do with the game.  He was more interested in playing in the dirt and playing
and/or fighting with Cuinn.  

Those two have the craziest love/hate relationship I have every seen.  Joe is always asking
to play with "Twinny," but then more often that not, they end up fighting once they are
together.  So exhausting!  A few of the games they actually ended up wrestling right in the
middle of the infield where they were supposed to be manning their positions.  Needless to
say, I am not all that upset that his season is coming to an end.  Hopefully in a few years he
will be a little more interested in the game and I'll have to do less refereeing. ;)

Squirt Guns

Just shy of his two year birthday,
I'd say Miles is pretty good at holding his own against his older brothers.  

Friday, June 15, 2018

White Sox Game

As part of a baseball camp Owen was in this summer, we got free tickets to a White Sox
game.  The kids aren't at the age quite yet where they want to stay in their seats and watch
the game, but let's be honest, even I can't sit through 9 innings of a baseball game.
Thankfully there was lots of other things to do to keep us entertained.

Summer Fun

We don't get to see them often during the school year because our schedules are so
different, but I love going to hang out with my friend Katie and her kids Heinz and Maggie.
I met her when I did Munchkins with Joe and enjoy her company so much!!
Hopefully we can find a way to see each other more.