Friday, August 22, 2014

Page Turner

Even though potty training has been taking up a lot of our time these last few days
I wanted to make sure not to leave out our littlest Kalita.  Last night one of my favorite things
happened...he started turning the pages as we're reading his bedtime stories.

Now I know that is something so little, but I think it is super cute.  I did when Owen first did
it too.  They are so young and small, but they grasp the concept of reading a story and I
love when their tiny hands grab the page and flip it over.  It's the little things.

In other Joe news, he's proving to be somewhat finicky with what solid foods he chooses to
eat, so I'm trying to get creative.  He loves waffles, graham crackers, baby goldfish and
yogurt, but aside from that everything else is a challenge.  If a kid could live on starches
and sugar, he'd do great, but I'm trying to add a few more healthy choices.  

I saw something on Pinterest that seemed healthy and simple so I gave it a try.  I took a
piece of wheat bread, flattened it down with a rolling pin, spread one of his purees on it,
and then rolled it up into a little log.  The idea is to give it to them almost like a teething
biscuit that they can just chew on.  It worked great!  It was simple to make and held
it's form even as he squished it in his hands and chewed at it. 

He didn't eat a ton of it, but that's typical with him the first time I introduce something to him.
At least it is something easy, quick, and if it ends up on the floor, as a lot of his food
does these big deal.

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