Saturday, September 30, 2017

Pilgrim Fall Fest

 Every year Joe's school puts on a Fall Fest.  Bubble table, face painting, popcorn, bounce
house, DJ, obstacle course...all the ingredients for a fun toddler afternoon.

Soccer, Donuts and Snuggles

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Fall Fest

This morning we went to Rehm Park for Oak Park's Fall Fest.  I can't say it felt much like fall
with temps in the 80s, but we still had a great time.  The boys took a ride on the train,

then were drawn over to the field filled with inflatables.  Owen's favorite was the log jump.  It
was actually pretty funny.  There was someone operating the log making it spin in circles
and move up and down.  The kids had to jump or duck depending on where the log was
when it got to them.  Owen chose to lay flat on his stump 9 times out of 10.  I guess he
assumed it was the safest move.

We burned some energy and left with a pumpkin, compliments of Oak Park.
Mission accomplished.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

Wonder Works

Since Joe is off of school on Fridays I decided to take he and Miles to Wonder Works to run
around and play.  I hadn't been there in years and forgot how much fun they have.

Joe spent the majority of his time in some sort of costume.  Policeman, fireman, dinosaur...he even had me dress up Miles too.

And Miles couldn't get enough of this thing.  He put the apples in the holes, waited for them
to roll down the chute, grabbed them out, then walked back and started again.  He did this
over and over and over.  I finally had to pull him away so we could move onto other things.

He also made several trips back to visit this cow.
Guess those good Wisconsin genes are calling to him.

Once Joe was finished being a police officer he decided to test out his acting chops.
First he climbed to the top of the tower and told me "I'm going to rescue you Mom.
Because you're the princess."  Then he came shooting down the slide.

Next we headed over to the stage.  After playing with the various lights and getting them just the way he wanted them, he had his theatrical debut as a dinosaur.  He was really into the
costume changes.  He would put the costume on, run on stage for a few seconds, then run
back and take it off.  But then two minutes later he was putting the costume right back on.

I had a great time watching these two explore this morning.  It was the perfect way to spend
our Friday morning.  And now I can hope for two long naps to follow.  :)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Miles is 15 Months

Today was Miles' 15 month doctor appointment.

Weight - 20 lbs. 5 oz. (15th Percentile)
Height - 31.25 in. (51st Percentile)
Head Circumference - 18.5 in. (73rd Percentile)

There are two words that come to mind right now when I think of Miles...
fearless and exhausting!!

He is in the stage where he is always on the move.  Up the stairs, on top of the
day I actually caught him standing on top of the side table by the couch trying to play with
the lamp.  It doesn't matter where it is, if it's dangerous, Miles is heading straight towards it. 
It makes it near impossible for me to get anything done around the house when he is
awake.  I can try to do dishes, but every 30 seconds I have to go retrieve him from the stairs
or sofa.  It's hilarious though because he thinks he is so funny.  If he hears me coming
towards him as he's climbing up the stairs, he giggles really loud and tries to climb up extra
fast.  And when he knows I've finally caught up to him he just laughs and lays out on his
belly.  Same thing when he climbs onto the couch.  If I start walking into the living room to
get him, he shimmies up as fast as he can and then throws himself back into the pillows
and laughs at me.  It's hard to get mad at him when he's clearly so entertained.

Even when I get him to stay in the same room as me, straightening up is hardy worth it.
I can be in the kitchen putting things away, and he'll walk in, go into the Tupperware cabinet
and empty everything out onto the floor giving me a whole new mess to clean up.  While I'm
picking that up, he'll walk over to his play kitchen and dump out all the play food and
utensils.  Let's just say if you want to come visit an immaculate house, mine is probably not
the one you want to come visit these days.  As my mom once told me...if you're coming to
see me, come whenever you'd like.  If you're coming to see my house,
make an appointment.  ;)

Although he's exhausting, he is still so stinkin cute.  I love this little guy so much.  He has
the sweetest smile and is generally very happy.  He's loves to snuggle and loves playing
even more.  Some of his favorite things to do are play chase or tackle.  And he loves picking on his older brothers, especially Joe.  It's probably because Joe sits on the little couch in the
living room most of the time which is at Miles' level.  Miles will walk up and try to hit, tackle,
or steal things from Joe all with a big smile on his face.  It drives Joe crazy, which makes it
somewhat funny to me.  I can't help but laugh, at least a little, before asking Miles to leave
Joe alone.  One thing is for sure, Miles loves being around his older brothers.  And for the
most part, they love being around him too.

After all that chasing, climbing and tackling, it's no surprise that he's a great sleeper.  He still takes two solid naps most days and sleeps around 11 hours per night.  And he's so easy to
put down for bed.  Ryan gives him his bath and I'll get him in his jammies.  Then I always at
least attempt to read him a few stories before laying him in bed.  Sometimes he's happy to
read and other times he just swats the books closed letting me know he wants to go to bed. 
I give him a kiss, hand him his lovey, lay him in bed, cover him up with his blanket, and walk
out of the room.  It's that simple, which is so nice.  I can only hope things continue this way.  

Favorite Books - Any Peek-A-Boo book, Duck and Goose Find a Pumpkin

He's started talking a bit more, which is fun.  I love hearing him say Mama with meaning
now, but my other favorite thing he says is all done.  When he's in his high chair and he's
finished eating he'll say it.  Or if he's tired of being in the stroller and wants to get out.  He
stretches out the all, then quickly and in a higher octave says done.  "Aaaaaall done!"
It's really cute and also really helpful to know when he's had enough.  He also does
one heck of a dinosaur roar which always brings a smile to my face.  

Words - Mama, Dada, all done, no, nigh nigh (night night), bye, butt (yep, you read that right), ball 

Miles continues to be a pretty good eater, but definitely not a clean eater.  The area around
his chair is a disaster zone after every time he eats.  He's an adventurous eater and will try
almost anything on his plate.  Then he'll let us know he's all done.  If we don't hear him right
away, or can't get to him that second he proceeds to start throwing the food off his plate.
I think I sweep under the table a minimum of 2 times per day.  If I was starting a list of
reasons why we need a dog, cleaning up crumbs would be at the top of my list. ;)

Favorite Foods - Stawberries, raspberries, oranges, Life cereal, pancakes, crackers of any
kind, mac n cheese, bananas, Clif bars, granola bars, ice cream, cake

He is growing up so fast and I love watching every minute of it.  I'm excited to hear him start
talking more and watch the interactions between him and the boys turn into genuine
playing.  One of my hopes is these boys grow up being great friends and take care
of one another.  We love you little Miles!!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Quick Trip up to Wausau

This weekend we drove up to Wausau for the weekend.  It was a short trip as we didn't drive
up until Friday afternoon, but we still found plenty of things to keep us busy.  We went to
watch Aiden play football on Saturday morning and ran into a T-rex there.
You can imagine how big of a hit that was with Joe and Owen.

This weekend happened to be Rothschild Fest, so we were fortunate enough to have
a parade and then a festival in the evening with some bounce houses, a kids train,
and cotton candy bigger than Owen's head!

And the weekend wouldn't be complete without a trip to TJ Maxx with my mom.  The bags
are mostly filled with new fall clothes for Owen, but I found a few awesome long sweaters.  I also scoured their candle section for my favorite scent and bought every one I could find.
Peony Petals...I love it!!  Now that's what I call a successful shopping trip. 

Even though we had to turn around and drive home on Sunday, we had packed so much
into the weekend that it made it seem longer.  And by now the boys are used to these drives
which makes it a little easier.  A couple of pit stops and we're good to go.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Halloween Preview

While we were at Costco today, we passed a big display of costumes.  The boys saw ninja costumes and decided that's what they wanted to be for Halloween this year.  As soon as we got home, they wanted to take them out for a little test drive.

They're actually really cute costumes, although Joe is already second guessing his decision and telling me he wants to go with his original plan of being a T. Rex.  I guess it will be a game time decision once Halloween rolls around.  Best to have options.

Zoo Run Run

This morning I ran my first race in years.  It all came about because I've been wanting to run
the Hot Chocolate run forever!  Running and chocolate...what's not to love??  I mentioned it
to Katy yesterday and she told me I needed to do another race first so I had a timed race
and could be placed in the appropriate starting corral at Hot chocolate.  Thankfully for me,
the Brookfield Zoo Run Run was this morning.  Sure I hadn't really been training, but I have
been running and was curious how fast I could run when I wasn't pushing a jogging stroller.

We drove to the zoo and I registered for the race. 

While I was waiting for the race to start,
the boys went with Ryan to explore a pretty empty zoo.

Once the race started they popped up in various parts of the course cheering me along.
I loved every minute of being able to run past them and give them high fives while they
cheered.  It was so cute.  And while I'm sure they thought it was fun giving me high fives,
Spiderman might have trumped me.  They also saw Scooby Doo run past.  Joe informed
Ryan that was NOT the real Scooby Doo, but that WAS the real Spiderman.  ;)

All in all I was really happy with my race.  I didn't know I had sub seven minute miles in me
anymore.  Sure I came in 2nd, but I was only 2 seconds behind first place.  I did stop to give
Joe and Owen a hug, and that easily took up 2 seconds.  ;)  But a hug from those two little
guys is worth way more to me than winning a race.

Ryan thanks for carting the boys around to cheer for me.  It was so special and put the biggest smile on my face every time I got to pass you guys.  I love you!!
You guys are the best cheering squad ever!!