Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nap Bed Head

Joe wins the prize for the most amazing post-nap bed head I have ever seen.  He goes to sleep with his normal hair and wakes up with this awesome, crazy, curly hairdo.  I love it!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Winter Sand Castles

I've decided, or rather I've known for awhile but want to reiterate, that winter afternoons are
the worst!  Normally when the boys wake up from their afternoon naps we'll head outside,
go for a walk, go for a park, play in the backyard...anything to keep busy.  But when winter
rolls around, all of those options are gone for the most part.  The mornings are fine because
the boys have school and we're already out and about.  It's just the long afternoons between
when the kids wake up and dinner time that seem to drag on.

Thankfully between Christmas and Owen's birthday we've had received some fun things to
occupy our time.  Yesterday's activity of choice...kinetic sand.  It even glows!

The boys loved it and it kept them busy for a considerable amount of time.  Woo!!
Surprisingly it is also relatively easy to clean up, which is a huge plus.  We already had it out
again today and I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of cold winter afternoons making
sand castles, digging up dinosaurs, and making construction sites with our new magic sand.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

My Fearless Four Year Old

It's hard to believe it has been four years since Owen was born.  Even harder to believe that
this teeny tiny preemie baby has grown into such a strong and fearless boy.  He is tough,
 confident, loving, caring, empathetic, sensitive, energetic, adventurous, smart, thoughtful...and those are just a few of the words I would use to describe him.  

Height - 42.25 in (87th Percentile)
Weight -  38 lbs 4 oz (69th Percentile)

 This year Owen started preschool.  It has been so much fun to watch him develop and
mature.  He can get himself fully dressed from head to toe and he is starting to write the
letters of his name.  He has the O down pat, and we're working on the others.  He talks up a
storm and says the funniest things at times.  For example, Joe thanked him for something
one day and he responded with "My pleasure."  My pleasure?  Where on earth did he hear
that from?  I don't think it is a phrase I use often, but no matter where he heard it, it was
really funny to hear him repeat.  His favorite words by far however are anything having to do
with poop.  Yes folks, we've officially entered the potty talk stage.  Add poop to the end of
any phrase or sentence and it instantly becomes hilarious.  What's worse is Joe hears him
now and repeats him.  Today I was riding alone with Joe in the car and he said,
"Hi Mommy."  Then he quickly followed it up with "Hi Mommy Poop!" and could hardly get all
the words out before laughing at himself.  Sometimes it's hard for me not to laugh right
along with them.

Owen and Joe have definitely become two peas in a pod.  Owen is such a great big brother
and is really patient with Joe (most of the time).  Sure we have our moments where Joe
pushes his buttons like little brothers do and Owen lashes out, but for the most part they
play really well together.  Not only does it allow me to sit back, relax and get more stuff done
around the house, but it's so fun to watch them play with each other.  They genuinely enjoy
each other's company and have a great time together

 Owen is such a social guy and is happy playing with anyone.  School has been great for
him because he's made so many new friends and truly enjoys their time together.  He plays
really well with everyone and is happy simply being around other kids.  His best friend by far
is Simon.  Those two have so much fun playing together.  It's sad they'll be going to different
elementary schools, but at least we have one more year of preschool together.  He also has
a slew of other little boys in the class that round out his preschool posse...Ivo, Ronan, Dev, 
and Mason.  They're really cute to watch.  They get so excited when they see each other.

It has been so much fun watching Owen grow over the past year.  He has really matured a
lot, and though he still has tons of energy, he's calmed down and knows how to relax when
necessary.  Plus he's taken Joe under his wing which has been so helpful too.  Joe still has
his terrible two moments, but I feel like it has been far less because he has his big brother to
help and guide him.  It's crazy that Owen is growing up so fast, but at the same time I'm
loving every moment of it.  We love you buddy!

4 Year Old Interview with Owen

This morning I sat down and asked Owen a few questions...

Your favorite...
Food: Pancakes
Drink: Juice
Treat: Candy
Toy:  Airplane and a dinosaur and a dragon and a shoot gun
Color:  Black
TV Show:  Dragon show (2nd response - A Donald show)
Outfit: Dragon clothes (2nd response - Soccer clothes)
Game:  Dragon Game (2nd response - Star Wars Game)
Animal:  Dragon
Song:  The Dragon Song (When I asked him if there was a dragon song, he began to sing..."Dragon's roar, Dragon's roar, do you want to be a knight?"  I'm not sure if there really is a dragon song, but Owen certainly has his own version of one.)  :)
Book:  A Dragon one (Me: We don't have a dragon book. Owen: You buy a dragon book.)
Place to go:  Simon's House
Thing to do outside:  Play
Thing to do at school:  Play with my friends

What do you like to take with you to bed?  My Donald
What do you want to be when you grow up? A dinosaur and a dragon and a shoot gun
What makes you happy?  My Donald
What makes you sad?  I don't like sad! (2nd response - Not sharing)
Who are your best friends?  Simon and Ivo
What's your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  Play
What's your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play and tackle
What's your favorite thing to do with Joe? Play

It's clear that Owen loves dragons at this point in his life.  Some of the questions I had to
ask him twice because he would answer a dragon____, but there is no such thing.  For
example, he answered "dragon clothes" to his favorite outfit.  Knowing we have not a single
piece of dragon clothes in his closet I thought I would ask again.  Either he was getting
annoyed with all my questioning, or he just really loves dragons and is trying to tell me we
need more dragon inspired things in our house.  I'm guessing it was a little of both. ;)