Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Potty Training - Day #1

Since Owen was pretty excited about going pee on the big potty, I figured I would give
potty training a try. I wasn't planning on doing it this early, but as long as he's having fun with it there's no reason not to give it a shot.  After talking with my sister and some friends
I decided upon the 3 day potty training method.   It basically has us confined to the
house for 3 days with Owen running around either naked or in his undies, and lots of 
positive reinforcement.  I wanted to make it super exciting so I enlisted Ryan to help me decorate the bathrooms last night with streamers and balloons.

 I was also fully prepared with tons of undies that Owen helped pick out, juice, 

prizes and treats for him to have when he successfully went potty, 

along with a potty chart he could put stickers on tracking his progress.

 When he woke up this morning I was so excited to get him started with his first trip to the 
potty and show him all the fun things we had in store for him.

He started out doing so well.  Every now and then I would ask him if he had to go potty to
get him used to going on the toilet.  Occasionally he came up to me and announced, 
"Mommy, I pee!" which meant he needed to go.  I'm not sure if it was the sour patch kids 
he received afterwards, or if he really has a small bladder, but this kid was
going potty every 15 minutes!  I think there are about 20 stickers on our potty chart and
there were quite a few times we forgot to even add a sticker.  And although we didn't have
a successful BM on the potty, he tried so hard in the hopes that he would get the
monster truck that awaited him in the Potty Prize bag.

We were all getting bored staying in the house all day so I figured we would get outside a
little bit to give everyone a change of scenery.  Our first outing was a walk in his undies. 

Then we played outside in the backyard, which turned into naked swimming.
 While it seemed like a great idea to have him naked outside instead of in the house, it 
backfired because he started peeing everywhere!  In the pool, standing next to the pool,
on the stairs waiting to come inside.  I ended up dumping out the pool and going back
inside just so we could work on our potty training again.  It was a nice break though.
To be honest, I am making this whole day sound like a great time when in reality it was one
of the most stressful and frustrating days I've had in awhile.  I was so excited to take this
new step with Owen, but I'm not 100% convinced he's totally ready.  We had our fair share
of accidents in the house, but it's not the accidents I care about as much as how they 
happened.  There is nothing more frustrating than asking if he had to go, him telling me no, and then coming back to find he had peed a minute later.  Or having him pee in his undies 
just minutes after he had been on the potty.  Add Joe screaming in the background for a
big chunk of my day because I had to leave him to fend for himself a lot more than usual, and it makes for a wonderful day.  The end of my day sums it up the best.
I had just finished giving Owen and Joe a bath.  I took Owen out, wrapped him in his towel
and told him I was going to let him dry off for a minute and then we'd try to go potty before
I put him in his pjs.  Seems easy enough, right?  I turned around to grab Joe out of the tub,
turned back towards Owen to find him standing there peeing straight at the side of the tub.
Anyone who has been in our bathroom knows that the tub and the toilet are literally a foot
apart from each other.  Not only that but I was right next to him so if he had to go that bad, he could have asked me.  Plus, I had just told him I was going to put him on the potty in
one short minute.  I could hardly wait to get his diaper on him for the night.  I was over it.
But no huge glass of wine, huge bowl of ice cream, and a little refresher course later and I'm geared up ready for potty training day #2.  I'm going to try to learn from
my mistakes, keep my cool, and be the best potty cheerleader there is!!  
Let's go Owen...WOO!!  You can do this buddy!!

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