Sunday, November 29, 2015


Look who's spending his first night in a big boy bed....
(hint: look in the lower bunk)

While we were at my mom's this past weekend we let the boys sleep in the same room.  Joe
was in his pack n play and Owen was in a bed.  Much to my surprise, it worked out so well
that we decided to try it at home tonight too.  Big difference tonight...Joe is in a big boy bed.

I never thought we would be at this stage yet.  Before this weekend if you asked me how
long I was going to keep Joe in the crib, I would tell you as long as humanly possible.  I
never imagined that Owen and Joe could sleep in a room together so soon.  I figured they
would not only have a hard time falling asleep, but was sure they would wake each
other up in the middle of the night.  Plus, there was no way Joe would stay in bed. 

I'm happy to say that I was absolutely wrong.  Over the weekend they did great!  Joe is so
tired by the time bedtime rolls around that he has no interest in doing anything other than
falling fast asleep.  He's asleep within 2 minutes of his head hitting the pillow.  And he slept
through the few times Owen called out for me during the night due to misplaced loveys,
falling out of bed..the usual. 

I was a little nervous how Joe would react tonight to the new freedom of a big boy bed, but
he crawled right up, I tucked him in under all the covers and he fell right asleep.  When he's tired, he wants nothing more than to close his eyes and go to bed.  Owen even called out for me a few minutes after they went to bed and Joe was already sound asleep.

I'm fully aware that this may be a fluke, beginner's luck, or some other unknown miracle...
but for now, I'll take it!  They're having so much fun with their sleepovers.  :)   

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!!

There are so many things to be thankful for this year....our health, two amazing boys, a roof
over our head, a great group of friends and the list goes on and on.  But the one thing that
tops my list every single year is my family.  I am so blessed to have such an amazing
family.  There is nothing I look forward to more than going home to WI to spend time with
the people I love.  What makes it even more special is Ryan is just as excited as I am to see
them too.  We are so fortunate to have such great people in our lives and I thank God every
day for them.  We always enjoy spending time together and this weekend was no
exception.  I mean what's not to love??...

Relaxing and stuffing our faces,

 Annual post Thanksgiving dinner bowling,

 Black Friday sister pedicures,

And an indoor waterpark adventure.

 It was a fun-filled weekend that reminded me why I'm so lucky!

 Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thankful Trees

Presenting...Owen and Joe's thankful trees for 2015.

Owen is clearly enjoying school as he made sure to list off not only his teachers but a few of his best friends as well.  And Joe happened to see a shovel outside earlier this morning so that was the very first thing he let me know he was thankful for.  And he was very passionate about that shovel as he repeated it in between nearly every other thing I could get out of him.  No surprise that Mickey and Minnie made his list too.  :)

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Filling Free...for now

I took Owen to his appointment with the pediatric dentist today.  He did great!!

They were so good with him and thankfully there were no tears.  They even got a new set of
x-rays which was what scared him so bad at the last dentist.  What's even better is while
she saw the cavities the other dentist was talking about, she said they are only in the very
beginning stages and she doesn't think it is necessary to treat them at this point.  I was so
relieved!  We were instructed to brush twice per day, floss and she'll keep an eye on
everything.  Hopefully by the time they need to treat anything he'll be older and way
more comfortable with the dentist.  This dentist may be a bit of a drive for us, but she is totally worth it.  I already made an appointment for Joe in 2 weeks.  :)

Saturday, November 21, 2015

First Snow

This morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow!  Yay!!
We wasted no time getting our snow stuff on and heading outside to play.

Owen thought it was hilarious to throw snowballs....

 Joe, on the other hand, had different thoughts on the matter.

But the tears quickly faded when we decided to make our first snowman of the year.

It's so much fun watching them play together and explore everything.  I think they would
have stayed outside all morning if we let them.  The cold didn't bother them one bit.
The first snow is always exciting to me too.  It's month 3 and 4 of snow I could do without. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Owen's First Dentist Appointment

Owen had his very first dentist appointment today.  It probably should have been a little
sooner, but we had some insurance mix-ups and didn't get him added.  Anyway, here he is
at his first appointment.  He was definitely a little timid, but overall he did pretty well.

He had lots of questions for the dentist, and was very interested in all of the tools she was using.  He especially liked checking out his own teeth with her mirror tool.

 His least favorite part was getting x-rays taken.  I'm not sure if it was painful, or just scary,
but a few tears were definitely shed.  She poked around to see how things looked and
finished by polishing and flossing his teeth.

Sadly, Owen has 4 cavities.  Not the outcome we were hoping for.  Two of the cavities are in
between two of his neighboring back teeth.  She said his teeth are very close together so it
is hard for brushing alone to get in between everything.  We were instructed to start flossing
his teeth.  Really?  Flossing a 3 year old?  And she referred us to a pediatric dentist to take
care of the cavities because she thinks he might do better there.  That way he can keep her
office as a positive place and keep the potentially negative experience elsewhere.  Plus with
how nervous he was even with the little stuff she was doing, four cavities would be hard to
get through.  Not sure how they will tackle them differently at the other dentist,
but we have an appointment on Tuesday to find out.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Our Little Gymnast

I decided to sign Owen up for a mini-session of gymnastics classes.  He loves doing "ninja
cartwheels," as he refers to them, so I figured I might as well let someone teach him how to
do them safely.  Owen has a really short attention span so organized classes are not always
the easiest for him, but he actually did really well and had a great time.

 Here he is testing out his bridge and handstand skills (he's in the red shirt).
Pretty impressive for his first class if you ask me. 

Plus, the class is really fun to watch, which is always a good thing for me.  Now if I can just
figure out how to keep Joe occupied for the 45 minutes we sit and watch Owen.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Never Ending Mile

While the weather is still somewhat agreeable, Joe and I have been walking to pick Owen
up from school.  I used to put Joe in the stroller and be there in no time, but he always fell
asleep since it was so close to his nap time.  In an effort to keep him awake I decided to let
him walk with me.  And such began the never ending mile...

 In addition to him wandering into people's yards and running in the opposite direction
we're supposed to be going, he is a big fan of the lying pit stop.  

It doesn't matter when or where, if he's feeling a little tired, he'll plop right down
and make himself comfy.

What used to take me 15 minutes has turned into a full hour.  
But, at least it keeps us awake and busy.  ;)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My Little Playdate

Joe and I continue to enjoy our quality time together while Owen is in school.  I know it
won't be long before Joe is going to school just like Owen, so I'm trying to soak up
all the special moments while I can.  :)

Monday, November 2, 2015


 There is a lot more mischief going on in our house these days...