Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy Half Birthday Miles

My sweet, smiley Miles is 6 months old!

Growth Stats
Weight - 16 lbs (20th Percentile)
Height - 26.2 in (29th Percentile)

This little guy makes me so happy.  His smile is contagious and since he is smiling 90% of
the time he's awake, it's hard not to be happy when you're around him.  When he's not
smiling, he's practicing new skills like rolling over and sitting up.  He can roll from front to
back with ease and has started attempting rolling onto his belly.  He doesn't love being on
his tummy though, so it doesn't give him much incentive to want to practice rolling
that direction. 😉

He can sit well with support and loves that he is able to look around in this new position. He
also loves sitting and playing with toys in his lap.  He's chewing on everything these days,
so his toys typically go right in his mouth.  If it's not a toy, it's his fingers or fist.  I have a
feeling we are going to see some teeth popping through soon. 

I'm hoping the teeth don't mess with his sleeping too much because he just started getting
into a good rhythm.  We've had a few days where I put him down around 7:00PM and he'll
sleep right through until morning.  Those nights are AMAZING!  It has me hopeful that it
might start to become a regular occurrence, especially with the introduction of solid food this
next month.  More often than not however, he'll still wake up in the middle of the night to
eat.  He eats quick and goes right back to bed so I can't complain too much.

He takes two long naps in the morning and afternoon, and an occasional late afternoon
nap if needed.  It all depends on when he wakes up from his second nap.  Normally he's
awake for 2 hours at a time and then starts getting sleepy again.  It's easy to spot because
he'll get a little cranky, which is unlike him, and start rubbing his eyes.
Tell tale signs that he wants to take a rest.

Favorite Toys - Hippo lovey, wooden airplane teether, anything that squeaks,
rattles or jingles

Speaking of favorites, there are a few favorite games that are sure to make him smile.  He
loves to be tickled and have raspberries blown on his tummy, neck and sides.  He thinks it is
hilarious when the boys play peek-a-boo with him or back up then jump toward him.  He
also laughs out loud if I dance like crazy in front of him waving my arms and jumping up and
down.  I guess I would laugh out loud at that sight too if I were him.  He also likes being
thrown in the air and tipped backwards like we're dancing and I'm dipping him.
Let's be honest...there's not a lot that won't make him smile.   

I love this little guy so much and am looking forward to all the other fun moments to come.

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