Saturday, May 27, 2017

Wildwood Wildlife Park

After the parade Hannah suggested we drive up to Minocqua to go to Wildwood Wildlife
Park (or what I remember it as....Jim Peck's).  It is only an hour drive, and we knew the kids
would have a blast.  Plus, now that the cabin is sold, it is really nice to have a reason to
drive up north.  So beautiful and relaxing.

I couldn't believe the number of animals the kids were allowed to pet, feed, etc..
It was so cool and they loved it!!

There was a huge cage-like building filled with small birds.  You buy a popsicle stick with
bird seed stuck all over it and the birds come sit on it (and you) and eat.

In addition to the animals we could feed or pet, there were other unique animals the boys
were able to see. This white tiger had his eye on Joe.  When Joe walked up to the fence,
the tiger ran from the back of it's cage, straight up to him and then didn't take his eyes off
him.  He laid there staring Joe down, and followed him with his eyes even as Joe walked
away.  A little unsettling, and made me very thankful for the huge cage between them.

These leopards were also pretty vicious looking, walking around baring their teeth,
but Miles didn't seem to mind.

One of the boys' favorite spots was the Dino Dig, which is the equivalent of a huge sandbox
with fake bones buried in it and dinosaur statues scattered about.  Dinosaurs and sand...
What's not to love??  They sat and played for awhile which gave us a chance to sit down
and relax and gave Miles a nice break from the stroller.

On our way out we visited the baby goats one last time.  These baby goats were the cutest
things ever!!  We found out they were for sale and wondered what Larry would do if my
mom showed up at home with one.  On the bright side, it would cut down on the need to
mow the lawn.  Haha!  We also joked with my neighbor Jerry that we were going to bring
one home for him to keep his chickens company. ;)

This was such a neat experience for the boys.  I am so happy Hannah suggested it and
even happier that everyone was able to come.  We don't always get to spend a lot of time
with Alex and Jill, so I really loved that they were there.  Family makes my heart happy. 💗
And apparently, so do baby goats. 😉

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