Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

This year we had a Halloween jam packed with fun activities.  Owen, Joe and I
started our day out at a Halloween Festival at Pleasant Home.  Owen got to walk around to
different stations and get treats from various businesses around Oak Park.  It wasn't
anything that crazy, but it was a fun start to a fun filled day!

There wasn't a ton to do at the festival so we moved on to Peekaboo Playroom to burn off
some energy.  It was fun because it was the first time we've been there that Joe has
been able to move around and explore all of the toys.  He's becoming much more brave
and letting go of things while standing to test out his balance.  He does it all the time now!
I'm sure walking will be in our near future, but I'm not rushing it.  It's fun watching
him take things at his own pace and surprise me with new tricks.

After some much needed naps, we regrouped and got back in our costumes for Owen's
very first time trick or treating.  We've been practicing for the last week or so.  ;)
It was FREEZING this afternoon (it even snowed!) but we managed to get a few houses in.

Owen got so excited with the idea that people were giving him candy!  It's hard to tell in this
picture, but he was literally jumping up and down and the top of the stairs holding the
roll of Smarties he was given.  Such fun to see him so excited.

When we got home Owen checked out his loot and ate a good portion of it, except for
anything with chocolate in it.  It's hard to believe knowing that he is my son, but he
does not care for chocolate.  Not even chocolate milk!  He'd take fruit
over chocolate any day.  What?!?

 After he had his fill of sugar we headed to our neighbor's house for a Halloween Happy
Hour.  It's become an annual tradition and it's so much fun.  The kids all hang out, watch a
movie and eat pizza while the adults unwind and visit (with adult beverages of course). :)

Happy Halloween from the Kalita's!!

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