Monday, July 25, 2016

One Month Old

Miles had his one month visit to Dr. Taback today.  I went in nervous that he might not be
gaining enough weight because he is nursing ALL THE TIME.  I was worried my supply
might be low and that is why he wanted to eat so frequently.  Clearly that is not the case.

One Month Stats
Weight - 8 lb. 12.5 oz. (14th Percentile)
Height - 21 in. (18th Percentile)
Head Circumference - 14in. (5th Percentile)

He gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks!!  That is over double the average 1 ounce per day babies
typically gain at this point.  Apparently he is just hungry and has a lot of catching up to do.

When I look back on Miles at this stage there are a few things that come to mind.
Exhaustion is one of them.  While I would love to say we came home and he slept through
the night from the beginning, things have been a little more difficult that that.  He typically
wakes 4 times per night at intervals of 1.5-2 hours.  If I'm lucky I get a 3 hour stretch every
now and then.  One amazing night he gave me two 3 hour stretches back to back and I felt
like a new woman, but most nights we are awake pretty often.  

He's sleeping in the Rock n' Play next to our bed.  Originally I had him in bed with me (which
I loved) but he always got so hot and I thought maybe he would get longer stretches if he
slept in his own bed.  He does well and sleeps soundly.  The problem is he's just hungry.
I tried a pacifier a few times and he wants no part of it.  The one good thing is as soon as he
eats he goes right back to bed the majority of the time.  If I was up as often as I was and
then had to rock him back to sleep every single time, I would be a whole different level of
exhausted.  For now it's manageable.
The crazy thing is for exhausted as I am, I feel like all this little guy does is sleep.  He
sleeps, wakes to eat, poops, then goes right back to sleep again.  He has a few
longer awake periods during the day, but most of the time he loves to sleep.  And I love that
he loves to sleep because lots of sleeping during the day means lots of cuddling for me.  

Which brings me to the second thing that comes to mind when I think of this
snuggles.  One of the great parts, among many, of having Ryan home for so long is I've had
lots of time to spend with Miles.  I'm trying to soak up every baby moment I can knowing this
will most likely be our last baby.  With Ryan home, I can hold Miles while he sleeps and
cuddle him as much as I want.  I have the luxury of spoiling Miles a little more than a third
child typically gets.  

I love so much about this stage.  I love feeling his tiny warm body sleeping in my arms.
I love picking him up and having his little legs stay curled up to his tummy.  I love holding
him up on my shoulder and feeling his soft warm cheek rest against mine.  I love letting him
sleep on my chest.  It instantly relaxes me.  I love watching him as he sleeps because he
looks so cute and peaceful.  Yet I love looking into his eyes and talking and singing to him
when he's awake.  I love that I can calm him and I absolutely love being able to nurse him.
Not necessarily the act itself, but the bond it gives he and I.  And I love the way he smells.

Though I may be exhausted and I'm looking forward to more sleep, it really does make me
sad that a month has passed so quickly.  If these are the last baby snuggles I get,
I want to make every single one count.

And apparently I am not the only one who loves baby snuggles.  ;)

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