Sunday, November 29, 2015


Look who's spending his first night in a big boy bed....
(hint: look in the lower bunk)

While we were at my mom's this past weekend we let the boys sleep in the same room.  Joe
was in his pack n play and Owen was in a bed.  Much to my surprise, it worked out so well
that we decided to try it at home tonight too.  Big difference tonight...Joe is in a big boy bed.

I never thought we would be at this stage yet.  Before this weekend if you asked me how
long I was going to keep Joe in the crib, I would tell you as long as humanly possible.  I
never imagined that Owen and Joe could sleep in a room together so soon.  I figured they
would not only have a hard time falling asleep, but was sure they would wake each
other up in the middle of the night.  Plus, there was no way Joe would stay in bed. 

I'm happy to say that I was absolutely wrong.  Over the weekend they did great!  Joe is so
tired by the time bedtime rolls around that he has no interest in doing anything other than
falling fast asleep.  He's asleep within 2 minutes of his head hitting the pillow.  And he slept
through the few times Owen called out for me during the night due to misplaced loveys,
falling out of bed..the usual. 

I was a little nervous how Joe would react tonight to the new freedom of a big boy bed, but
he crawled right up, I tucked him in under all the covers and he fell right asleep.  When he's tired, he wants nothing more than to close his eyes and go to bed.  Owen even called out for me a few minutes after they went to bed and Joe was already sound asleep.

I'm fully aware that this may be a fluke, beginner's luck, or some other unknown miracle...
but for now, I'll take it!  They're having so much fun with their sleepovers.  :)   

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