Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Two Weeks :)

The end of this past week marked two major milestones.

Joe is 2 weeks old


I survived my first week solo with the two boys.  :)

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little terrified imagining what life would be like with Owen and
a newborn.  Owen is so full of energy and likes to be busy at all times.  Pair that with the fact
that he is slowly creeping into the terrible twos and it is enough to make anyone a little 
apprehensive.  I am very happy to say however that I'm pleasantly surprised with how we 
managed this past week.  Truth be told, Joe made it really easy on me which helped out a ton!
He sleeps most of the day, except for the times when he wakes to eat.  He is happy to sleep in
his snuggly bouncy chair or bassinet, which leaves me plenty of hands-on time with Owen.

I still have my days when Owen tests my patience and challenges me to the point where I feel
like I'm going to go crazy, but that's to be expected with a 21 month old.

The weather has also cooperated warming up into the 50's and allowing us to get out for
walks to the park in our fancy new double stroller.  It's nice to get some fresh air and exercise,
and I like being able to let Owen blow off some steam at the park for a little while.  

There are only so many things we can come up with to keep ourselves 
busy inside the house all day.

Play-Doh was a big hit and kept him busy for a good 30 minutes...

 The only problem was I couldn't turn my back for a minute or I would find him trying to eat it.

Overall we had a great week, with one of the highlights being Joe's 2 week doctor's visit.

Height - 20.5 in (25th percentile)
Weight - 8 lbs (25th percentile)

Yes, you read that right....8 lbs already!!  WOO!!  He's eating like a champ which is such a huge
relief for me.  The doctor says he looks great and all is well.

Here are just a few pics of Joe from the past week.


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