Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Growing Up

With Owen changing so much and learning so many new things each day, I wanted
to take a minute to jot down some of the fun things we're experiencing with him at this time.

Let's start out with his vocabulary.  It seems like every few days he'll pick up a new word out of
the blue.  And he is doing so much better with repeating words when we ask him to.

Current words - Ball ("ba"), Bus ("bu"), No No, Oh No, Dog ("Da"), Mama, Daddy, Two, Three,
Love you ("ya Oo"), Bubbles, Grandma ("Gammy"), Bye (accompanied by a very enthusiastic

Animal Sounds - Dog ("woof woof"), Lion ("raar"), Cow ("mmmm"), Elephant (puts his
lips together and does his best to make the sound like we do), Duck ("cack cack"), 
Snake ("ssss"), horse (makes a noise and then has his voice break up like I do when I am 
neighing like a horse - almost like he is clearing his throat), Pig ("oi oi")

The cutest part has been the little phrases he started saying.  I'm not sure where it came from
but he started gasping like he is really surprised by something and then occasionally will follow
it up with "oh no!".  He has the sweetest little voice, so it sounds super cute coming from him.
Add the genuine surprised look on his face and it is one of the funnier things I have seen.

Then there are his counting skills.  I have not practiced counting with him, but when Ryan and I
are walking with him we'll each grab a hand, count to three and swing him in the air. We were
on one of our walks when Owen grabbed both of our hands.  I said "One," and before I could
 say another word, we heard Owen shout out "Two" in his sweet little voice.  I repeated and
reinforced his "Two," at which point he blurted out "Three" and we swung him in the air. 
It amazes me how much he soaks up from listening to us.  I might have a 
biased opinion, but this little guy is smart!

He listens to directions pretty well (most of the time), but I'm noticing we are entering a little bit
of a headstrong phase.  We're in the process of transitioning to one nap, so I believe his lack of
sleep is partly to blame, but I am also aware it's just that age where toddler tantrums begin.  It's
not all the time, by any means, but if he is having a rough day I can typically expect a fight
getting him into the car seat, putting his coat on, changing his diaper, leaving somewhere he
doesn't want to go, or in the reverse staying somewhere too long that he doesn't want to be.
Basically trying to get him to do anything that he is not 100% in agreement with.  Thankfully
the happy days and times far outweigh the frustrating ones.  Please remind me of that 
when I am amidst one of the more trying days.  :) 

We are having so much fun watching this little boy grow up and I can't wait to see what each
new day brings.  Pretty soon he'll have a little brother to play with and he can teach him
everything he knows.  After all of the fun we've had with Owen up to this point it makes me even
more excited for baby #2 to get here!!  They are going to have a blast together and Ryan and I
are fortunate enough to be along for the ride.  Eve  as crazy as that ride might sometimes get.

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