Monday, October 14, 2013

Joseph James Kalita - The Birth Story

After all of the waiting and anticpation, he's finally here....
Welcome to the world Joseph James Kalita!!!!

Weighing in at 6 lbs 14 oz, 19.5 in long, he is absolutely perfect!

Following in his brother's footsteps, he decided to surprise us and come early.
3 weeks early to be exact.  The crazy thing is at my last doctor's appointment, she told me if I
made it to 39 weeks she would induce me.  The baby was positioned really low and she figured
it was going to be a fast delivery.  With an induction it would allow the whole process to be a
little more controlled.  I went back and forth at first about how I felt about an induction.  I like the
element of surprise with a natural delivery never knowing when it is going to happen.  At the
same time I am very much a Type "A" personality, so having everything planned out and ready
to go sounded awesome.  I had actually just made up my mind on Saturday that the induction
was the way to go, so I focused my energy on hoping to make it to 39 weeks.  I guess I didn't
put quite enough energy into it because at 37 weeks we were blessed with our new baby boy.

I should have known.  Not more than 10 minutes after I put the check mark next to the final open
thing on my list of "Things to do before baby" did my water break.  I had just finished making a
map of the parks close to our house that my mom could take Owen to.  And Ryan had just run out to Walgreens to get memory cards for the camera because we realized the day before we were out.  I told him I hated to make him run out on Sunday night to grab memory cards, but
if something was to happen, I didn't want to be left without any.  Thank goodness he made that
run to Walgreens.  We were just about to sit on the couch and watch a show before bed when I
felt a crazy sensation like a muscle twitch or snap in my belly, and then came the water.  I called
my mom right away to let her know.  Every time I called her for the past week she kept thinking I
was calling to tell her I was in labor, so when she picked up this time I told her this call was no
false alarm.  This was the real thing.  Then Ryan called Tim and Val so one of them 
could come over to stay with Owen for the night.  

I was much more prepared this time around so I had my hospital bag completely packed and ready to go.  Little did I know that the "New Baby" iTunes list I so carefully compiled would
never even have a chance to be played.  My water broke around 8:55PM.  We wasted no time
and made it to the hospital by around 9:30PM.  My contractions were already 3-4 minutes
apart.  As I was being taken back to my room in Triage I tried to explain that my doctor told
me this baby was going to come fast and so anything they could do to get me upstairs quicker
would be appreciated.  The nurse didn't seem to care about my concerns.  It wasn't until about
30 - 45 minutes of sitting in the room without having the nurse return that I decided to page 
Dr. Onia (the doctor on call from my practice) and told her what was going on.  Before long the
original nurse came in and scolded me for calling the doctor, but then sent in a 2nd nurse who
checked me over.  I was already 6 cm dilated and extremely uncomfortable.  It wasn't long
before she got me a wheel chair and wheeled me up to the delivery room.  

By the time I got up there I was in a lot of pain.  They were trying to get my IV in and get the guy
with the epidural up to my room.  Everything from this point on was an absolute blur so it is hard
to remember the details.  What I do remember is by the time I got upstairs I was fully dilated.
They were still going to give me the epidural, but as I sat on the edge of the bed ready to get my
pain relief the baby decided to try to make his way out.  I had no choice but to start pushing.

Childbirth without an epidural is by far the most painful thing I have ever experienced.  After
going through that, I stand behind my Pro-epidural stance 1 million times over!  I hope I never
have to experience that pain ever again.  I'm just thankful everything went quick.  I pushed through one contraction and Joe was born at 11:12 PM.  Approximately 2 hrs and 17 min
from the time my water broke.  They laid him on my chest and I just sat and stared at him in
awe.  A little over two hours ago I was sitting at home relaxing on my couch and now here I 
was with our brand new baby boy.  Pregnancy and childbirth is truly amazing to me.

It is also amazing how all things seem to work themselves out.  What if Ryan didn't go get the 
memory cards that night?  What if I hadn't been as proactive with getting things done so they
were ready when we needed to go to the hospital?  What if I had gone into labor in the middle
of the day and Ryan had to drive home from work before we even made our way to the
hospital? What if we hit traffic on our way into the hospital?  Sure everything would end up
being ok in the end.  We might have just had a baby along side the highway 
without any photos to show for it. Thank God that things happen for a reason.  Sure I didn't
get an epidural, but at least we made it to the hospital on time.  If and when baby #3 comes,
we might just have to camp out at the hospital starting at week 36.  If each baby comes
faster than the one before, it's going to be a photo finish for baby #3.  :)     

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