Wednesday, March 17, 2021

COVID Vaccine - Dose #1

 Since most of the high risk people have had the opportunity to get their vaccines and things have started opening up a little bit (if you are willing to search on the computer or go stand in line), I was determined to get vaccinated.  And once I put my mind to something, I will do whatever I can to make it happen.

I heard that if you go stand in line at Triton University at the end of the day, they give out any extra doses they have so they don't go to waste.  Yesterday I decided to try my luck.  I drove over around 4:30PM and stood in line for about 45 minutes.  As I was waiting for someone to come out and let us know if there were any doses left, I saw my friend Tamayo calling me.  

Tamayo is a doctor and works at a clinic where they give out the vaccine.  Up until this point, there really hadn't been an opportunity for any extras at her clinic.  But when she called me twice in a row, I had a good feeling. I answered and she told me they had once dose left at her clinic in Melrose Park and asked if I could get there quickly.  I was literally 5 minutes away standing in line at Triton.  I ran to my car, drove to her clinic, and the rest is history.

This girl is officially (partially) vaccinated!!  I didn't realize how much it had been weighing on my mind until they gave me the shot.  I felt a huge sense of relief and it made me so happy!

But now that I had it, I couldn't stop there.  I got on my computer this morning at 6AM and searched and searched until I found an opening today for Ryan.  He went at 11AM and got his first dose as well.  He got the Pfizer vaccine and mine was Moderna.  

And with all the good luck, I had to keep going.  I told my friend Rachel I was coming to pick her up this afternoon, drive her to Triton and stand in line with her.  It was rainy and St. Patrick's Day, so I figured we had a good shot.  We waited in the rain for about an hour, but they finally came out and had lots of extra does that day.  Not only did Rachel get vaccinated, but they asked if we knew anyone else we could call.  I called Val, she drove right over, and she got her first dose as well.  :)

It's not like I was super terrified that we were going to get COVID and have something terrible happen, but its nice not to have to worry about the "What if's" anymore.  I worry enough the way it is under normal circumstances, so having one less thing on my mind is a win!  

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