Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Super Slider

After Ryan left, my mom and I decided to take the boys to the pool for the afternoon.  It was
a beautiful day and there are few things they love more than swimming.  Not only was there
a diving board for Owen to practice on, but they had a water slide.  He has no fear and there
was no question in his mind that he wanted to try it.  I, on the other hand, was a little more
apprehensive.  He's getting really good at swimming on his own, but I was nervous he
would be scared when the water pushed him under after shooting out of the slide.  But I
gave him the OK and he climbed up the stairs.  He was the littlest one up there (and for his
age he's not little).  I held my breath as he went down and came shooting out the slide.

 My fears were quickly put to rest after about 2 seconds when he came popping up with the
biggest smile on his face.  It was the cutest thing!  I am so proud of how brave he is.

When he wasn't jumping off the diving board or going down the slide, all Owen wanted to do
was swim around in the water.  Not play on the kids structure, but swim.  He is honestly a
fish!  I kept having to remind him to at least stay where he could touch so he could rest if he
needed to.  If not, he would wander right out into the deep end.  While he swam, the rest of
us kept busy in the shallow end.  It takes Joe a little more time to warm up to the water,
but once he does he has so much fun.

I tried to take a picture of him next to this whale.  I asked him why he wasn't smiling and
he very seriously informed me that "whales don't smile."  What a goofball!  

 Even with the craziness of keeping track of three littles at a fairly large and crowded pool,
it was a fun, relaxing afternoon.  It helps that my mom was there to help watch one while
I was busy with the other two.  Thanks for the fun start to our week Mom!

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