Thursday, July 11, 2013

Say What?

Yesterday Megan, Lauren and I took the kids to Lincoln Park Zoo.  On Wednesdays
the Green City Market is right outside the zoo, so it is a perfect opportunity to visit the zoo
and then have a delicious picnic lunch with the goodies we find at the farmers market.

We started in the farm section of the zoo and I'm quite positive that when we were in the barn
Owen said "moo" when he saw the cow.  What makes it difficult to be 100% sure is Owen does
not like to repeat things on command, other than to repeat "Raar" when asked what a lion says.
You can point at something and say the word, then ask him to say it and he will just babble in his
own little language or give you a blank stare.  But then when you least expect it he will say
something that makes you do a double take and think, did he really just say what I think he

What's crazy is that Owen is seriously one of the most vocal kids I have
ever heard.  Whether we're driving in the car, out for one of our walks, or just sitting at home, his mouth is constantly moving. He babbles on about anything and everything.  But then when put
on the spot and asked something specific, he chooses to keep his mouth closed.  I'd like to say
that maybe we just have a shy little guy on our hands who gets nervous under pressure, but all of
his other actions point in the complete opposite direction of shy.

A perfect example is when we were at the Green City Market having our picnic lunch.  There
was a man sitting in the picnic area playing a bongo drum and singing.  He had various small
instruments including cow bells, drum sticks, jingle bells, etc for the kids to come up and play
along with him.  Now someone Owen's age might get a little apprehensive at the thought of 
going up there on his own.  And if that man were to talk to him and engage him like he did with
Owen, that might send him running back to the security of his mama.  Not Owen.

He walked right up there, stood 2 feet away from the drum, grabbed some jingle bells from
him and started to play.  He was having such a great time playing with the man and only took 
one quick glance back to make sure I was still somewhat near.

 I'm so proud of how brave and fearless Owen has become.  Sure it's a little unsettling when
we're at the park and he tries to fly head first down the slide, or step out from a ledge that is
3 feet off the ground, but he is such a tough little guy and I am very thankful for that.
A normal day consists of us returning home with a new bump, bruise, or scrape somewhere on
his body from the day's fall, but it never phases him.  He gets right back up and keeps running. 
Now if only I could figure out a way to get him to be as fearless repeating words on command. ;)

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