Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Morning Routine

One of my favorite daily routines is my new morning walk ritual.  With the new baby on the
way, I've been trying to be good about getting out and exercising.  I realize I chase Owen
around all day, but I feel much better when I set aside a specific time to focus on myself and
the well being of baby #2.  While I was pregnant with Owen, I would walk before work every
day.  I decided that seemed like a good plan this time around too.
So every morning after Owen wakes up, we cuddle for a few minutes on the couch and
watch a show to help us ease into the day, we eat breakfast, then it's out the door for our
morning walk.  I walk between 2-3 miles each day before ending at our favorite tot lot
where Owen gets some well deserved play time.
It's the BEST in the early morning while it's still quiet and cool out.  We are typically the only
ones there, so I can sit on the bench and relax while Owen runs back and forth across the park,
up the stairs, down the slide, over and over and over again.  He's become very self sufficient
which makes it nice for me.  His favorite is when his friend Lucas joins us for our walk and park
routine.  It gives him someone other than his mama to keep him entertained. 

 Especially now that they are getting older and really interacting with each other.  
It makes it fun to watch the two of them talk back and forth and wonder what they are
thinking and if they really understand what the other is saying.

And the best part of the routine is that Owen gets himself nice and tired out so by the time we
get home he's ready to go down for a nice long morning nap.  It's a routine you just can't beat.  :)  

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