Friday, March 23, 2018

Triton Troupers

I saw some advertisements for a local circus at Triton College and decided we should give it
a try.  It doesn't take much to impress our kids, and at the very least it would be entertaining.

I had no idea what to expect.  The lights went out, the ring master entered and then pure
craziness followed.  Every performer came out all at once giving a little taste of what was to
follow.  There were people flying on trapezes and other contraptions from the ceiling, people
walking on large balls rolling across the floor, others running around doing who knows what. 
Pure chaos.  

Little did I know that the Triton Troupers are a group of people, could be anyone really, that
get together and perform circus acts.  For the first act they brought out a trampoline and
mat.  People from the ages of 5 to probably 40, dressed in overalls and flannel shirts, ran
out, jumped on the trampoline and did either a straddle jump or flip onto the mat.  Yep, that
was it.  And when they would finish each jump they would address the audience with their
arms out like they just nailed the landing at the Olympics gymnastics finals.  It was pretty
hilarious, but I give them credit for having the guts to be out there.

To be fair, there were a few pretty impressive aerial routines.  Joe very seriously looked at
me and said, "Mom, see that girl with the stars on her?  That's the girl I'm going to marry!"
Clearly he was impressed.  

We made it to intermission half way through the show and the kids were done.  They were
tired of sitting and since it was getting late we were happy to go home.  All and all the show
was OK.  At the very least it was something different to do and we got a lot of fun snacks. :)

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