Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving Weekend

This weekend we drove up to Wausau for Thanksgiving weekend.
My mom was the only one able to visit us when Joe was born so this was the first time everyone else was seeing him.  It was also the first time we were meeting Hannah's new little girl, 
Miss Elizabeth "Ellie" Rae Smith.  
She was born November 19th, just 5 weeks after Joe.  

A large part of the weekend was spent passing the babies back and forth,

And posing them for their first photo shoot.  ;) 

 Owen is absolutely in love with his older cousins, so he kept busy too.  Now that he is
getting a little older it is so much fun to watch him interact with them.  He has so much fun and they are all so good and patient with him. 

We had a great weekend and I am so excited that in just 3.5 weeks 
we'll be going back already for Christmas!!  After all, like Joe's shirt says...


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