Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Happy 2 Months!!

Happy 2 Months little buddy!!

 As you can tell from the pictures, Joe is doing GREAT!!  He gained 3 pounds since
his one month visit, putting him at just over 13 pounds.  I am so happy with how well he is eating
 and growing.  Just to put things in perspective, Owen was 5 months when he finally hit the
13 pound mark.  Here's a little flashback to Owen's 2 month picture.

It makes me sad to look back and see how little he was, but thankfully he didn't stay little for
long.  When the doctor and I were comparing Owen and Joe today we noticed that Owen is
currently in the 75th percentile for weight and height, which is pretty close to where Joe is now.
It looks like when you put Ryan and my genes together you get a nice, healthy 75th precentile 
baby.  Joe just happened to get there a little faster than Owen did.  :)
 One of the benefits of having a nice big baby is he sleeps like a champ (knock on wood).  About a week ago he started sleeping through the night.  I'll feed him for the last time before 
we go to bed around 10:00PM and he'll sleep until anywhere between 5:30 and 7:30AM.  
Getting 7 hours of sleep at night is HUGE when I have to spend the day keeping up with both
him and Owen!  I am so thankful and hope he continues this wonderful schedule.  After being
spoiled with a good night's sleep, it makes it extra difficult to envision waking 
up in the middle of the night again.
  As far as a typical day, the majority of Joe's time is spent eating and sleeping.  He doesn't
always nap the greatest, but I suppose it's a little difficult to stay asleep with a 2 year old running
through the house.  He does pretty well though.  And when all else fails, as long as I hold him,
he's perfectly content.  I'm just waiting for the days when he and Owen nap at the same time.
Right now it seems like they are on opposite schedules.  Joe will be sleeping and I'll take Owen
up to put him down for his nap.  I quietly creep downstairs, sit on the couch to relax, and within
minutes Joe is waking up either to eat, or because he can simply sense I'm there with empty
arms.  I'll take the baby cuddles any day though.  It's one of my most favorite things.

And speaking of favorite things, Joe is smiling a lot now.  He's always the happiest right after
he wakes up.  I change his diaper, lie him down on the ottoman, and talk to him.  He looks up at
me and gives me the biggest toothless grins.  It makes such a difference when babies start
smiling because their little personalities start showing though.  I could talk to him and watch
him smile all day long.

Thanks for being such a great little baby, Joe.  You've made this transition to two relatively easy
on me, and I appreciate it more than you know!  I'm looking forward to seeing what this next 
month has to bring.  Love you little buddy!

   2 Month Stats
Weight - 13 lbs 3.5 ounces (75th Percentile)
Height - 23.75 inches (50th Percentile)

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