Sunday, December 8, 2013

OPCC Holiday Party

The Simone's were nice enough to invite us to the Oak Park Country Club again this 
year for the holiday party, which means a few things.  Great food, great company,
and a visit from Santa with one of the most impressive entries I've ever witnessed.

The kids waited and waited for the big moment to arrive.  We kept Owen busy doing 
holiday crafts and watching the train make a few laps around the track.


Then when the time came near for Santa to arrive, Owen and Ruby were glued to the
window hoping to catch a glimpse of the big man.

 And right on schedule, he arrived in style...

 You'd think after all that waiting and anticipation Owen would be so excited to see him...

You thought wrong!  Joe on the other hand, seemed quite content.

After the traumatic Santa visit, all it took was a little time with Ruby to boost his spirits.

 Thanks for such a great afternoon Vince and Kay!!  Merry Christmas!!


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