Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Round 3

Thursday morning we woke up bright and early and drove to Wausau.
It worked out perfectly that Christmas fell on a Wednesday so we could celebrate with
both sides of our family.  And celebrate we did...

 One of the many perks of having my sister Sarah in town at the same time as I am is
she LOVES taking pictures and always has her camera out.  She takes excellent photos
and after going through all 775 of them (no that is not an exaggeration) here are some of
my favorites from our Christmas Round 3.

And finally our first attempt of the weekend at a family Christmas picture.

Ryan just happened to blink for the 2 seconds we got everyone still for a picture.
Joe decided he didn't want to cooperate and be happy.
The only way Owen would cooperate is if he was able to hold the shovel in the picture.
And what could I do but just laugh through it all.  

Merry Christmas!!  As always, it was so much fun spending time with the people we love.

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