Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas morning came and Owen woke up bright and early at his usual 6:30AM.
I went downstairs to make sure everything was ready to go while Ryan got Owen out of bed.
I went back up to get Owen and Ryan went down and waited for us at the bottom of the
stairs with the video camera.  I've been wanting to get more home videos because I think
they're so fun to look back on, and this would make a perfect addition to the collection.  I
envisioned a huge amount of excitement as Owen walked into the living room to find
a Christmas tree filled with presents, and how fun would that be to have on film.

I slowly walked Owen down the stairs telling him we were going to see if Santa brought him
any presents.  Side Note: I tried my hardest to help him understand the concept of Santa
this year.  We watched nothing but Christmas movies for the whole month of December and
I kept telling him that Santa was going to come visit him and put presents under his tree.  In
fact, we didn't put a single present under the tree until late Christmas Eve.  Partly because
I knew I would have to fight him not to open them, but also because I thought it would add to
the surprise when he came downstairs to find a once empty tree loaded with presents.  

Anyway....we slowly crept down the stairs, Owen saw all the presents, and I knew it was
going to be a matter of seconds before the jaw dropping excitement began.  Nope!  Instead
of excitement, there was apprehension.  It was like he couldn't understand what was going
on and he was thrown off by it all.  He sat on the stairs for about 30 seconds staring at the
tree, video camera still rolling, with me coaxing him to come and open one of his presents.

Finally he gave in and after he saw what was inside those carefully wrapped presents, it
didn't take him long to get through the whole pile.  

 I'd say he made out pretty well for Christmas, Round 1....

Now I just need to find a place for everything.  Our house is overflowing with toys!
Owen seems pretty happy about it.

After we finished up opening gifts at our house, we went over to Tim and Val's to 
celebrate with Ryan's Dad and Gerri, Christmas Round 2,

And then ended the day at the Simone's for a delicious Christmas dinner.  One of the hits
of dinner was Ryan's special Beef Shank he spent 3 days prepping.  
It was DELICIOUS and well worth the wait.  

Merry Christmas!!  So excited we get to go to WI tomorrow.  :)

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