Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wausau Weekend

This weekend we drove to Wausau.  It is one of our favorite things to do.
It is SO relaxing and we love being able to spend time with my family.
Plus, these days Owen is changing so fast that I like him to be able to visit them 
more often so they can see all the new things he's learned. 

Aiden loved having Owen around.  It was so sweet. 
He always wanted to give him a big hug whenever he woke up from his naps.
Looks like Owen wanted to return the favor.  We were trying to get a picture of the two
of them when Owen just turned right around, grabbed Aiden's face, 
and tried to give him a big slobbery kiss.

I love the picture right after he did it too.  Owen is smiling so proud of himself.
And Aiden is holding his cheek not quite sure what to think of it all.

Such a cute little pair of cousins.

Owen also got to visit Grandpa and Sharon for a little while.  

He loves Grandpa and probably would have sat and watched golf with him all day.
He was very content and didn't fuss at all.  

Grandpa was even able to get this big smile while we were trying to get a picture with Sharon.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was relaxing and reading a magazine
in my mom's new "Coobie" while Owen took his naps. 

She rearranged her bedroom to fit a comfy recliner right in the corner.
The warm sun was shining in, I had my coffee and the latest issue of OK magazine.
It was the perfect way to spend my Friday morning while everyone else was at work or golfing.

And what weekend wouldn't be complete without a meatloaf bake off,
or as we liked to call it a "Meat Off."

Now I'm not quite sure how this entirely came about, but it turned into quite the fun evening.

My mom, Bobby and I all made our respective loaves.
The crazy thing was each was entirely different.  

My mom's was the classic, delicious meatloaf that I remember growing up as a kid.
Bobby's meatloaf had ham rolled up in it.  Meat rolled in Meat..what's not to love?
And mine was a turkey meatloaf with fresh mozzarella and Parmesan.
(Had I known there was a Presentation category, I would have made mine prettier.)

 All of them were delicious!  Scott was the overall judge and chose Bobby's.
But honestly, what man wouldn't choose the meat rolled in meat choice?
Then for dessert, Bobby made Oatmeal, Cranberry, white chocolate cookies.  YUM!!
He was trying to prove a point to Hannah this weekend, that he can cook.  
Point taken!  Take him up on it Hannah.  Less cooking for you.  :)   

We had such a great weekend!  It's really hard living so far away and not 
getting to see everyone as much as we'd like to.  But it also makes our visits 
that much more special.  WE LOVE YOU GUYS!! 

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