Wednesday, September 26, 2012

8 Months

Has it really been 8 months already??

There is a part of me that can hardly believe how fast the past 8 months have flown by,
but then there is also a part of me that sees all of these amazing changes
in Owen that only time can bring.
His first two teeth came in
He sits up and plays really well on his own
He went from hating being on his tummy, to having it be his favorite new sleep position
And speaking of sleeping, he just started sleeping 12 hour stretches  :)
(knock on wood, of course)
 He rolls all over the place and has started pushing up to his knees
He loves when his daddy comes home from work and always gives him the biggest smile

Owen is such a good baby and is generally happy the majority of the time. 
I love him more than I ever knew was possible and I can't wait
to see what changes the next couple of months bring. 


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