Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Love Thy Neighbors

One of the best parts of our new house in Oak Park
is the great neighbors we have.  I feel very fortunate to have some 
of the best next door neighbors.

Today we went to lunch with Lisa, our neighbor to the south,
and got to spend some time together.
Normally we just pass by and say hello as we're running 
in and out of our houses, so it was nice to be able
to sit and talk for awhile.

She has such a sweet family and we have grown quite fond of them.
From homemade pickles and jam, to some of the best 
take out tacos I have ever tasted, they are always
taking great care of us.

Even more exciting is that Lisa is going to teach me how to knit!  
I figure it will be a fun little hobby to keep me busy while 
Owen is napping every day.  Plus it will be nice to 
be able to give people personal gifts for baby showers, etc. 
and Owen could use some sweet little winter hats.
I'm very excited to start our lessons. :)

Thanks for a great lunch Lisa!
I had a wonderful time and am looking forward to
many more lunches and get togethers to come.

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