Thursday, September 6, 2012

Surgery Day

Today is one of those days when I can honestly say
I am SO glad it is finally over. 

I have been dreading this day ever since we knew Owen
would have to have this surgery so I am very thankful
that it has come and gone and we can now start the recovery process.

Here is a little recap of our day.
The last time Owen could eat a bottle before surgery was at 2:30 AM.
I woke him to eat, put him back in his bed,
and then laid awake with my mind racing.
So much for a good night's rest.

The alarm clock promptly went off at 5:00 AM at which point
I told Ryan we needed to get up and then proceeded to
fall back asleep.  I'm not sure how, but miraculously
I woke up 30 minutes later and jumped out of bed.
I had 30 min to pump, get ready, and get out 
of the house.  Yikes!

Somehow we managed to get ourselves put together,
woke Owen, put him in the carseat still in his PJ's
and headed down to Children's Memorial Hospital.

I was so impressed with how smoothly everything went.
We were greeted at the visitors desk, directed to our floor, and
then immediately shown to our room.  Everyone was so friendly, especially
for it only being 6:30 AM.  The nurse got Owen checked in and then we had a parade of
visitors starting with our doctor, then one anesthesiologist, then a second anesthesiologist,
then the doctor's assistant.  Each explained what their role was and how they would
be taking great care of Owen.  I cannot say enough great things about Dr. Yerkes, Owen's
Urologist.  She is such a caring person and I felt so comfortable knowing that Owen
was in great hands.  I am so thankful we were referred to her.  

Owen got changed into his gown

Then got to spend some time with Daddy,

and Mommy before they had to take him.

The doctor's assistant came and got him and he happily
went to her and didn't fuss at all when she carried him away which
made it a little easier on us.  The doctor said it would be a minimum of 1 hr 45 min
so we walked to Corner Bakery to get some breakfast and coffee.  

 We got back a little early and waited, and waited, and waited.
After it was nearing 2.5 hours I started to get a little nervous.  Was there something
wrong?  Was the surgery more involved than what they thought it would be?  Just when
I started getting really nervous they called us from the OR and told us they were just
finishing up and the doctor would be out soon. 

Within about 15 minutes Dr. Yerkes came to talk to us.  
She told us that everything went really well and she was very happy with how
everything turned out. We would be able to go back to see Owen in recovery in just a few min.

Probably the worst part of the whole day was when we went to see Owen in the 
recovery room.  We walked back and immediately heard his little cries coming from from one of the rooms.  He had the saddest little cry.  He seemed so out of it.  He didn't know what
was going on and seem scared.  His whole body was swollen from surgery, 
and he just looked so helpless in his little gown.  I couldn't wait to hold him in my
arms and let him know we were there with him.

It took him a little while, and a few ounces of a bottle,
but he finally calmed down a little bit.

We both took turns holding him

And he napped peacefully with the help of his Lovey.

He napped on the car ride home,
took a long nap once we got home,
woke for just a little while to relax and have his dinner,
 and then watched some golf with daddy before bed.

As I sit here at the end of the day I am thankful for many things.
I am thankful we found such a great doctor in Dr. Yerkes.
I am thankful the surgery was a success.
I am thankful they took such great care of Owen.
I am thankful that in comparison what Owen had done was minor.
I am thankful Owen is now sleeping peacefully.
I am thankful for the two glasses of wine about to be poured.
 And I am thankful Ryan and I can finally sit and relax for the evening. 

Thank you everyone for all of the thoughts and prayers today.  
We truly appreciate it!

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