Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Play Dates

One of Owen and my favorite things to do
during the week is have a play date with our good
friends the Pero's and the Elsener's.

It's a great way to break up the week 
and gives me some much needed adult interaction.
Plus it's nice to be able to bounce ideas off of other moms
who have been through the same things I am experiencing now.

How many food cubes do I feed him?
How many naps should he be taking at this age?
Why does he hate sitting so much??
What cool toys should I get him?

There are any number of questions that get asked each
time we get together, and I always leave feeling
like I learned a little something new.

I feel so fortunate to have such great friends
and am excited that Owen has a little group of friends already too.
I can hardly wait for the Fall so our weekly trips to the zoo can start again!!

But for now, we'll just have to settle for blown up animals. ;)


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