Sunday, September 30, 2012

Tummy Time

Believe it or not...
Owen is voluntarily spending time on his tummy these days.

And he even seems to enjoy it!

I never thought I would see this day. 

 A lot different from his tummy time just a few months ago.  

Wausau Weekend

This weekend we drove to Wausau.  It is one of our favorite things to do.
It is SO relaxing and we love being able to spend time with my family.
Plus, these days Owen is changing so fast that I like him to be able to visit them 
more often so they can see all the new things he's learned. 

Aiden loved having Owen around.  It was so sweet. 
He always wanted to give him a big hug whenever he woke up from his naps.
Looks like Owen wanted to return the favor.  We were trying to get a picture of the two
of them when Owen just turned right around, grabbed Aiden's face, 
and tried to give him a big slobbery kiss.

I love the picture right after he did it too.  Owen is smiling so proud of himself.
And Aiden is holding his cheek not quite sure what to think of it all.

Such a cute little pair of cousins.

Owen also got to visit Grandpa and Sharon for a little while.  

He loves Grandpa and probably would have sat and watched golf with him all day.
He was very content and didn't fuss at all.  

Grandpa was even able to get this big smile while we were trying to get a picture with Sharon.

One of my favorite parts of the weekend was relaxing and reading a magazine
in my mom's new "Coobie" while Owen took his naps. 

She rearranged her bedroom to fit a comfy recliner right in the corner.
The warm sun was shining in, I had my coffee and the latest issue of OK magazine.
It was the perfect way to spend my Friday morning while everyone else was at work or golfing.

And what weekend wouldn't be complete without a meatloaf bake off,
or as we liked to call it a "Meat Off."

Now I'm not quite sure how this entirely came about, but it turned into quite the fun evening.

My mom, Bobby and I all made our respective loaves.
The crazy thing was each was entirely different.  

My mom's was the classic, delicious meatloaf that I remember growing up as a kid.
Bobby's meatloaf had ham rolled up in it.  Meat rolled in Meat..what's not to love?
And mine was a turkey meatloaf with fresh mozzarella and Parmesan.
(Had I known there was a Presentation category, I would have made mine prettier.)

 All of them were delicious!  Scott was the overall judge and chose Bobby's.
But honestly, what man wouldn't choose the meat rolled in meat choice?
Then for dessert, Bobby made Oatmeal, Cranberry, white chocolate cookies.  YUM!!
He was trying to prove a point to Hannah this weekend, that he can cook.  
Point taken!  Take him up on it Hannah.  Less cooking for you.  :)   

We had such a great weekend!  It's really hard living so far away and not 
getting to see everyone as much as we'd like to.  But it also makes our visits 
that much more special.  WE LOVE YOU GUYS!! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

8 Months

Has it really been 8 months already??

There is a part of me that can hardly believe how fast the past 8 months have flown by,
but then there is also a part of me that sees all of these amazing changes
in Owen that only time can bring.
His first two teeth came in
He sits up and plays really well on his own
He went from hating being on his tummy, to having it be his favorite new sleep position
And speaking of sleeping, he just started sleeping 12 hour stretches  :)
(knock on wood, of course)
 He rolls all over the place and has started pushing up to his knees
He loves when his daddy comes home from work and always gives him the biggest smile

Owen is such a good baby and is generally happy the majority of the time. 
I love him more than I ever knew was possible and I can't wait
to see what changes the next couple of months bring. 


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Owen Hosts his first Play Date

Owen and I hosted our first official play date today.  :)

We had a little help from Fisher-Price and House Party 
supplying us with some sweet new toys that kept us all busy.  
Host a party...get all your friends together...get free toys...What's not to love??
Sure one of the toys they sent had 30 individual pieces, 
45 screws and took over an hour to put together...  

But it was all worth it in the end.

The kids got along really well and seemed to have a lot of fun playing together.  

It was so much fun to have everyone over now that we have our basement finished.  
It makes such a difference to have a nice kid friendly space to hang out in. 
After today I am really looking forward to doing it again real soon.  
Thanks Olivia, Graham, Ruby, Ava, Annabel and Juliet for 
making today a great day.  Owen is lucky to have
so many great friends already. 

And then there were Two...

Owen's second tooth decided to make it's debut.
 Now his lone little tooth on the bottom left side has a partner in crime.

"What?  You can't see it?  Well come closer!"

"Do you see it?  Do you see it?"

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall Block Party 2012

Today was the official Fall Block Party for the 500 block of S. Scoville.
We have over 20 kids on our block, so there is always a great turnout.

It was a little chilly out, but between bundling up in warm clothes

and snuggling with his mom and dad,

Owen did just fine.  
The block party came complete with a giant bounce house (and an Owen sized one too)

and a taco truck.
In case you were wondering, yes, that is exactly what it looks like. 
The truck drove up, wheeled all the equipment out the back

And started grilling up meat for tacos right in the middle of our street.

They even pressed and grilled freshly made tortillas.

And my favorite part is one of my neighbors shares my love for Coke and stocks
up on the "Mexican" bottled coke made with real cane sugar.
So I broke my no caffeine rule and decided to treat myself.

And to cap off the evening, no block party would be complete 
without a bonfire and s'mores right in the middle of the street. 
We had such a great day and were so happy to meet so many of our neighbors.
I think I could just about tell you the names of every adult who lives on our street.
The kids names on the other hand, I might need another block party for that.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Peas No Peas!

From these pictures, one would think that Owen really loved
the peas I gave him tonight for dinner.  
And that all my hard work shelling, steaming and pureeing what 
seemed like 15 pounds of peas was well worth the effort.
Yet those who think that would be wrong.  
I am convinced Owen thought I was feeding him the green beans
that he loved so much the past couple of nights. 

But once he realized I was feeding him peas instead,
the gagging, choking and closed lips began.
He can be so dramatic.  Not sure where he gets it from.  
Must be the Kalita side.  ;)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

First Tooth

Look who has his very first tooth.

It's the cutest little thing I ever saw.
Just one little tooth popping out on his lower left side.
And my favorite part is he gives me lots of big smiles all day 
to give me plenty of chances to admire it.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Tummy Snooze

I can hardly believe I am saying this,
but our son who once hated being on his tummy at all,
has now decided that it is his preferred way to sleep.

Owen, if you want some extra tummy time,
all you have to do is ask.  ;)


Owen took a ride on our neighbors' swing last night.  
At first he was a little apprehensive,

but after a few pushes he really seemed to enjoy himself.
How convenient to have a swing that we can use right next door.  

Corona Anyone?

On Saturday we went over to Tim and Val's for their Block Party.
Owen seemed to fit right in.

Can you blame him for wanting a cool sip of Corona on a hot summer afternoon? ;)


Triple Threat

What is the best way to end date night??

Triple desserts!

Which way is Up?

I think Marley is just a bit confused at which way is up
in the new crate we got her.  Either way, she doesn't seem to mind.



Nothing quite makes my day like one of Owen's big gummy grins.


I guess you could say we are a bit conflicted on which team 
Owen should cheer for this year.


Balancing Act

Look who's doing so much better sitting up on his own.

We still use the Boppy for some support,

But overall he is doing so much better balancing himself.
Nice work Owen! 


Say Cheese!

Over the last week Owen and I have been able to spend some 
quality cousin time with Val and Ruby. 

But no matter how hard I try...

and try...

and try...

 It's nearly impossible to get these two to look at the 
camera at the same time!

This was about the closest I could get.
Nice work little buddies.