Monday, January 27, 2014

My Fearless Two Year Old

Last week we had Owen's two year check up

Height - 34.25 inches (50th percentile)
Weight - 27lbs 6oz (50th percentile)

There are a few words that come to mind when I think of Owen right now:
Sweet, strong willed, energetic and FEARLESS!!

Our visit to the doctor was a perfect example of all of these rolled up into one.
When Dr. Taback came into the room Owen was so sweet.  He gave her a big hug, talked
to her, told her he was two (while holding out 5 fingers), danced for her, tried his best at
jumping, and pointed out his eyes, nose, head, and toes.  He's come a long way with communicating over the past few months.  Not only has he added to his vocabulary, but he
can let you know what he wants with simple yes and no questions which makes things a lot
easier.  He's very sweet and says please and thank you.  Our goal over the next few
months is to work on putting multiple words together.  Owen will try to repeat almost any
word you tell him, but he still hasn't grasped phrases like "more milk" or "yes please."  One of the things he's great at is recognizing what specific things are.  His Grandma made him
an ABC picture book and he and Ryan look at it every morning.  It's amazing the stuff he
knows and remembers.  He is SO smart!  He loves playing with other kids and loves talking
to anyone and everyone that is willing to listen, and Dr. Taback was no exception. 

It wasn't until she decided to try to look into his ears that we met strong willed Owen.
It took both her and I trying to hold him so she could take a peek.  Then once his finger was 
pricked for the hemoglobin test we needed to add a third person to keep him in one place.
He is a strong little boy and has no problem letting you know when he is upset.  In fact
his newest thing is screaming.  He normally does it when he is frustrated because he can't
have what he wants or he can't get you to understand what he needs.  I'm hoping that as he
starts being able to communicate a little better the screaming won't happen quite as often.

But since we're not there quite yet, we had a few screaming fits at the doctor's office.  Most 
happened because he wanted to get out of the room.  He stood by the door, screamed, and 
when that didn't work, grabbed my hand and physically put it on the door handle.
Dr. Taback said it was fine if he went out so I opened the door and out ran energetic Owen.
He ran clear to the end of the office, into the last room and shut the door.  I went and got
him brought him back in our room and the whole process repeated itself.  I honestly think
this kid could run nonstop all day long.  We joke about putting a pedometer on him for a
day and I think I'm honestly going to try it.  He did not sit still the entire visit.  

Still or not, we made it through the appointment and got as far as the waiting room until
fearless Owen showed up.  I was talking to Dr. Taback and telling her how he has no fear.
There is a row of chairs in the waiting room with a small bench/ottoman about a foot away
from them.  He climbed up onto the bench and amidst our fearless converstaion I looked at
Dr. Taback and told her I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to jump for the chairs.  Now I
really didn't think he would do it, but no sooner were the words out of my mouth than he
took a flying leap towards the chairs.  It happened so fast.  Our jaws both dropped and we
watched as he missed the chairs with his feet, but caught them with his chin.  He
immediately started crying and blood started pouring out of his mouth.  Two thoughts came
to mind.  First, I honestly did not think he would jump.  And second, thank God we are at the
doctor's office.  A few tears, snuggles and a popsicle later, he was back to his normal self.
It turned out he just bit his tongue pretty good.  The one thing I'll say is he is a tough little
guy.  He may fall, bump and bruise himself a lot, but he never stays upset very long.

He is a strong willed, energetic, fearless kid who keeps me on my toes every single day.
But to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way.  What makes him strong willed
and fearless now is going to push him to be successful as he gets older.  And for every bit
of energy he possesses, he has just as much sweetness that constantly melts my heart.
We love you so much Owen and are having so much fun watching you explore and learn
new things.  You're such a sweet big brother to Joe and I can't wait for the two of you to
be able to interact even more.  You'll have a constant friend at your side which will
be absolutely perfect for you.  Happy birthday my fearless 2 year old!! 

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