Friday, April 21, 2017

Happy 10 Months Miles!

I'm not sure how it happened, but Miles is already 10 months old.

Growth Stats
Weight - 18.25 lbs (17th percentile)
Height - 29 in (57th percentile)

He's becoming less of a baby and more of a toddler every single day.  He's pretty much
sitting up on his own now, and more importantly, much more sturdy while doing so.  He
transitions from sitting to the crawling position and back again.  He'll rock back and forth on
all fours and is so close to crawling.  It is honestly going to be any day now.  I'm really
excited, but also terrified because then I'll have three on the move.

In other big news, Miles is up to 7 teeth!!  He has four on the top and three on the bottom,
with another ready to pop out really soon.  Surprisingly, teething doesn't seem to bother him
much.  He drools a little, but it doesn't really alter his mood.  And he must love it because
now it's opened him up to so many more food choices.  I'm enjoying being able to give him
all sorts of fun and new things.  It makes him seem so much more grown up.

Favorite foods - Waffles, goldfish, graham crackers, baked oatmeal, chicken fingers, bananas, veggie straws

Normally I would list out his dislikes, but he will pretty much try anything I give him.  Whether
or not he eats is all depends on the day and how hungry he is.  There really isn't one thing
in particular that he's turned his nose up at.  Let's hope these adventurous
eating habits continue.
In other Miles news, sadly he's still waking up once or twice per night.  After waking up with
him at night and then chasing after the boys all day, I'm exhausted by the end of the day.
Hopefully he and I figure out how to kick these middle of the night feedings soon.

 Despite his nighttime waking habits, he has been such an easy baby that I can hardly even
complain.  He still hardly ever fusses, unless he is hungry or tired, and is content simply
being where the action is.  He gives Ryan and I huge smiles any time we enter the room.
And I love when he gets excited because he does the cutest things to let us know.  The first
is he'll open his eyes and mouth real wide, wave his arms up and down and rock or hop up
and down on his butt.  The other is perhaps my favorite.  It's hard to describe, but he'll close
his mouth in this cute little tight lipped smile and breath in and out of his nose very quick
and deliberately.  It sounds silly but it always makes me smile.

He's not the most vocal baby, but in all fairness there are not many quiet moments in our
house for him to get a word in.  He babbles and make noises, but no real words yet. The
way he sits back and observes everything makes me think he's just soaking it all in. 
I'm confident he'll find his voice in no time.  

I love this little guy so much and am having so much fun watching him master all his new
skills. I'm excited to see what new things he'll conquer next month.  Happy 10 months Miles!

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