Yes, I realize I'm totally late on this post as Owen's birthday was over a week ago, but I was
waiting to write it until after we went to his check up and got his growth stats. Unfortunately
that got pushed back after all that was going on with Joe, so here we are. But to be honest,
this fits along perfectly with Owen's birthday this year. We've basically been celebrating
since his party two weeks ago. A few birthday play dates here and there, special birthday
lunch with Daddy, birthday dinner at Junction Diner complete with a lit cupcake delivered via
train, a birthday ice cream date with Grandpa Joe and we're still not finished. This coming
weekend we're off to WI to celebrate even more! So since his birthday isn't technically over
yet, I figure I'm still within the allotted time frame for his birthday post. Hopefully he doesn't
get used to birthdays that last three weeks though or Ryan and I are in trouble.
Back to the task at hand...Happy 3rd Birthday Owen!!!!
Height - 38.5 in (73rd Percentile)
waiting to write it until after we went to his check up and got his growth stats. Unfortunately
that got pushed back after all that was going on with Joe, so here we are. But to be honest,
this fits along perfectly with Owen's birthday this year. We've basically been celebrating
since his party two weeks ago. A few birthday play dates here and there, special birthday
lunch with Daddy, birthday dinner at Junction Diner complete with a lit cupcake delivered via
train, a birthday ice cream date with Grandpa Joe and we're still not finished. This coming
weekend we're off to WI to celebrate even more! So since his birthday isn't technically over
yet, I figure I'm still within the allotted time frame for his birthday post. Hopefully he doesn't
get used to birthdays that last three weeks though or Ryan and I are in trouble.
Back to the task at hand...Happy 3rd Birthday Owen!!!!
Height - 38.5 in (73rd Percentile)
Weight - 34 lbs (73rd Percentile)
BMI - 16.13 (68th Percentile)
You are smart, active, energetic, and one of the sweetest little boys I know. One of my
favorite memories when I picture you right now is your nightly ritual when we put Joe to
bed. You and Joe take a bath, get changed into your jammies and then before you go
downstairs you come into Joe's room. As I'm holding Joe I squat down so you can give him
a kiss. You sweetly kiss Joe on the forehead, kiss me on the forehead, then pull us both in
for a big goodnight hug. It melts my heart every time you do it. Mostly because it was
a ritual that you created on your own and you're so sweet and caring when you do it.
But with all of your sweetness comes the typical three year old qualities. Listening is not
always your favorite thing to do I honestly go crazy trying to reason with you at times.
You're also very impulsive. When things make you angry you're not quite sure how to let
your feelings out, so you quickly lash out by throwing something, hitting whomever is nearby
or screaming as loud as you can. Not my favorite qualities of yours, but the good far outweighs the bad. My goal as you grow is to teach you to express your feelings with
words. I have a feeling "use your words" is going to be spoken quite frequently
in our house over the next year.
Other words you've become used to hearing are "use your walking feet Owen." You love to
run wherever you go because walking just doesn't seem to get you there fast enough. You
are so full of life and love to be doing something at all times. Soccer is one of your favorite
things to do, but hockey is becoming a close second. Mostly because these are the two
things we can play in our basement while we're stuck inside over the winter. But when we
need to slow down a little bit, race cars are your toy of choice. Actually anything with
wheels will, trucks, tractors, etc. You also love building "rocket trains" out of
Duplos. Your creations are quite impressive!
You are super friendly, love playing with friends, and adapt really well in social situations. It
doesn't matter where we are, if there are other kids there, you typically find a new friend and
keep yourself busy. It's really fun for me to watch how easily you make new friends. It's
clear you like having people to play with. If it's just you and I at home you will sternly tell
me, "mommy, phone down" or "mommy, coffee down" when you'd rather I play with you than
be a spectator. You are very outgoing and truly care about the people who are around you.
Not to say you don't have your weak moments where you get angry at your friends,
but ultimately you want everyone to be happy. When another person is
crying or sad it really upsets you.
You're talking up a storm these days. You are very polite saying "please," "thank you," and
"I'm sorry" when necessary. You use up to 6 words sentences. It's so fun being able to talk
to you more and have real conversations. And you are SO smart. It's hard for Daddy and I
to fool you anymore. The other night before bed you had already eaten two apples, but
then asked Daddy for a banana. Thinking you probably didn't need anything else to eat he
told you that we didn't have any more bananas, but maybe we could get some more
tomorrow. You sternly looked at him and said "Daddy, come with me. Follow me Daddy.
Right now. You follow me right now Daddy." You ran ahead into the kitchen and stood right
in front of the fruit bowl. When Daddy walked in you pointed towards the lone banana sitting
there and said, "One nana, right there. Right there. One nana. I want it." I'm not sure
if Daddy was at a lost for words, or it was just so cute the way you did it,
but regardless you finished your evening with one tasty banana.

And speaking of your eating habits, you love fruit these days...especially apples! You eat
a minimum of 2-3 apples per day. One in the morning, one for a snack, and always one
before bed. You've also taking a huge liking to bananas. I'm so happy you love fruit so
much, but the problem is you don't like to eat much else. For breakfast you have a
smoothie, an apple and maybe some pancakes or waffles. Lunch is typically grilled cheese,
quesadillas, mac n cheese or hot dogs. And dinner, while I try to get you to eat what Daddy
and I eat, normally ends up being chicken nuggets, fish nuggets, pasta, or pizza. We have
to plead with you nearly every night to eat some of the protein on your plate. Vegetables
aren't your favorite either, but you'll eat carrots and cucumbers every now and then. You're
ideal dinner would be fruit, noodles and warm strawberry milk. Not the most nutritious
meal, but you're healthy and you're growing and that's what's important to me.
You're growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it. Big boy undies, big boy bed, and starting
preschool in the Fall. Where has the time gone? Daddy and I love you so much and we
can't wait to see all the great things you'll accomplish this year.
BMI - 16.13 (68th Percentile)
You are smart, active, energetic, and one of the sweetest little boys I know. One of my
favorite memories when I picture you right now is your nightly ritual when we put Joe to
bed. You and Joe take a bath, get changed into your jammies and then before you go
downstairs you come into Joe's room. As I'm holding Joe I squat down so you can give him
a kiss. You sweetly kiss Joe on the forehead, kiss me on the forehead, then pull us both in
for a big goodnight hug. It melts my heart every time you do it. Mostly because it was
a ritual that you created on your own and you're so sweet and caring when you do it.
But with all of your sweetness comes the typical three year old qualities. Listening is not
always your favorite thing to do I honestly go crazy trying to reason with you at times.
You're also very impulsive. When things make you angry you're not quite sure how to let
your feelings out, so you quickly lash out by throwing something, hitting whomever is nearby
or screaming as loud as you can. Not my favorite qualities of yours, but the good far outweighs the bad. My goal as you grow is to teach you to express your feelings with
words. I have a feeling "use your words" is going to be spoken quite frequently
in our house over the next year.
Other words you've become used to hearing are "use your walking feet Owen." You love to
run wherever you go because walking just doesn't seem to get you there fast enough. You
are so full of life and love to be doing something at all times. Soccer is one of your favorite
things to do, but hockey is becoming a close second. Mostly because these are the two
things we can play in our basement while we're stuck inside over the winter. But when we
need to slow down a little bit, race cars are your toy of choice. Actually anything with
wheels will, trucks, tractors, etc. You also love building "rocket trains" out of
Duplos. Your creations are quite impressive!
You are super friendly, love playing with friends, and adapt really well in social situations. It
doesn't matter where we are, if there are other kids there, you typically find a new friend and
keep yourself busy. It's really fun for me to watch how easily you make new friends. It's
clear you like having people to play with. If it's just you and I at home you will sternly tell
me, "mommy, phone down" or "mommy, coffee down" when you'd rather I play with you than
be a spectator. You are very outgoing and truly care about the people who are around you.
Not to say you don't have your weak moments where you get angry at your friends,
but ultimately you want everyone to be happy. When another person is
crying or sad it really upsets you.
You're talking up a storm these days. You are very polite saying "please," "thank you," and
"I'm sorry" when necessary. You use up to 6 words sentences. It's so fun being able to talk
to you more and have real conversations. And you are SO smart. It's hard for Daddy and I
to fool you anymore. The other night before bed you had already eaten two apples, but
then asked Daddy for a banana. Thinking you probably didn't need anything else to eat he
told you that we didn't have any more bananas, but maybe we could get some more
tomorrow. You sternly looked at him and said "Daddy, come with me. Follow me Daddy.
Right now. You follow me right now Daddy." You ran ahead into the kitchen and stood right
in front of the fruit bowl. When Daddy walked in you pointed towards the lone banana sitting
there and said, "One nana, right there. Right there. One nana. I want it." I'm not sure
if Daddy was at a lost for words, or it was just so cute the way you did it,
but regardless you finished your evening with one tasty banana.
And speaking of your eating habits, you love fruit these days...especially apples! You eat
a minimum of 2-3 apples per day. One in the morning, one for a snack, and always one
before bed. You've also taking a huge liking to bananas. I'm so happy you love fruit so
much, but the problem is you don't like to eat much else. For breakfast you have a
smoothie, an apple and maybe some pancakes or waffles. Lunch is typically grilled cheese,
quesadillas, mac n cheese or hot dogs. And dinner, while I try to get you to eat what Daddy
and I eat, normally ends up being chicken nuggets, fish nuggets, pasta, or pizza. We have
to plead with you nearly every night to eat some of the protein on your plate. Vegetables
aren't your favorite either, but you'll eat carrots and cucumbers every now and then. You're
ideal dinner would be fruit, noodles and warm strawberry milk. Not the most nutritious
meal, but you're healthy and you're growing and that's what's important to me.
You're growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it. Big boy undies, big boy bed, and starting
preschool in the Fall. Where has the time gone? Daddy and I love you so much and we
can't wait to see all the great things you'll accomplish this year.
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