Sunday, October 21, 2012

Owen visits Notre Dame

This weekend was the reunion for Ryan's baseball team from 2002.
Notre Dame made it to the College World Series that year so every five years 
the school hosts a reunion for all of the players from that team.  
They put on a big tail gate for them and then Ryan and his team walk onto the field
and are introduced before the football game.

It is always a great weekend because we get to visit with a lot of friends we don't see often,
and this year was even more special because we got to introduce everyone to Owen.

Owen got to see where his daddy played baseball 10 years ago. 
I can hardly believe we've been out of school that long...yikes!


We weren't quite ready to take Owen into the game,
but he and I kept busy walking around campus which is one of my favorite things to do anyway.
The day always flies by when we are at Notre Dame, but we had a great time 
and are looking forward to the next reunion.

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