Monday, October 1, 2012

Grocery Store Giggles

Owen has a funny habit of just busting out laughing at the craziest times.
Today was a perfect example of one of those times.
He and I were walking through Target doing our routine Monday grocery shopping.
I was pushing him down the cleaning aisle in his stroller when I stopped to 
ask another shopper a question about something we were both looking at.
She had her son with her who was probably about 5 years old and was tall enough
that he was just at the right height to be eye to eye with Owen.  
The lady and I were talking and all of a sudden Owen let out the funniest belly laugh.
I looked down wondering what had made him laugh.  The lady asked her son if he had 
made a funny face at him, but he shyly replied "No. I'm just standing here." 
At this point he got a little bashful and hid behind his mom's legs.  
But as soon as Owen got another glimpse of him he started laughing again.  
 It was the funniest thing.  We have no idea what made him laugh.
Maybe it was the boy's bright red shirt.  Maybe Owen thought he was playing peekaboo.
Either way it was hysterical.

Owen and I made it about as far as the laundry detergent aisle when he dropped 
Sophie out of the stroller.  I bent down to pick her up only to be 
greeted with the funny little laugh again.  I immediately got out my camera to start filming
the little grocery store giggles.
My favorite part is when he stops laughing, gets all serious as he plays with his toy,
but then hears me pop down below the stroller and just cracks up again.  
These little giggles are the best!!


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