Friday, February 3, 2017

He's Five!!

Today we had Owen's 5 year doctor appointment.  I was warned by the nurses prior to us coming, that this was a long, hard visit and there would be lots of shots.  Anticipating the worst, I dropped Joe off at my friend Katy's house so I could focus on Owen at the appointment.  Owen and I talked about the visit leading up to it.  He's old enough now to understand what is going on and what typically happens when he goes to the doctor.  He was curious if he would be getting any shots and if they would hurt.  I let him know he needed a few to keep him healthy, but they would only hurt for a quick minute.

Everything was going well leading up to the shots.  The doctor let him know he needed four of them.  He sat on my lap and two nurses came in.  Each nurse was in charge of one of his arms.  On the count of three they both gave him a shot at the same time, then quickly followed it up with another.  I waited for the tears, the screams, the horrible visit I had been warned of, but it never came.  Owen was so brave!!  He never let out a single sound.  He sat still and let them give him one shot after the next.  I was so proud of him and impressed!
Way to go Owen!!
Growth Stats
43.6 lbs (69th Percentile)
46.25 in (96th Percentile)
BMI 14.3%

Owen had a big growth spurt over the last year.  He grew 4 inches and is now in the 96th percentile for height.  People always think he is older than he is, probably because he's getting so tall.  He's a long, lean machine.  

It's no surprise he's lean...he is on the move constantly!  He is so full of life and has so much energy. He is very curious and always wants to check everything out around him.  I feel like I am frequently telling Owen to relax because he is always running on full throttle. ;)

He may be energetic, but with all that craziness comes the sweetest little boy you could ever imagine.  He is always telling us how much he loves us.  I frequently hear, "Mom, you're the sweetest mom ever!" or "Mom, I love you in your heart."   And if you ask Owen what makes him happy, it's not toys or material's hugs and kisses.  As I drop him off for school in the morning, our goodbye hug is a necessityI drop Owen off first on the playground, then take Joe downstairs to his classroom.  Sometimes when I come back outside, Owen is waiting at the fence for a second hug.  It is a very important part of his day and I love being able to make him so happy.

I hope my sweet little boy never grows out of his love for hugs.  He is maturing so much in so many other ways.  Watching him be so brave during his shots was another reminder of that.  Not only is he a little more calm, but he is a better listener (most of the time) and you can reason with him a lot better.  He still has his defiant moments, but they are not as often.  He follows directions pretty well and is helpful getting Joe to go with the flow too.

And speaking of Joe, Owen absolutely loves his little brothers.  He can't get enough of Miles.  He loves hugging him, playing with him and trying to make him laugh.  And he and Joe have so much fun with one another.  Most of the time they get along and play really well together which is so much fun for me to watch.  They build together, play dinosaurs together, make forts together, jump from couch to couch like ninjas together and occasionally get into mischief together.  They're learning they can team up against me already which makes me a little nervous.  Then there are the times when just one looking at the other sets them off.  They get in their moods where every little thing the other does turns into an argument, but thankfully that is not as often.

Normally it happens when they are hungry or tired.  Owen amazingly still naps every afternoon.  I consider myself extremely lucky because if I can somehow manage to get all three sleeping at once, I have a small break in the afternoon to myself.  It's AMAZING!!  A cold Mountain Dew, one of my shows on DVR, and I'm on cloud nine...for as long as it lasts anyway.  The sad part is I know Owen will have to give the naps up soon.  He starts full day kindergarten in the fall, so I need to get him used to being awake all day.  There are days when I think it will be an OK transition, and then there are days where I see him without a nap and it's like the world is ending.  Every little thing sets him off.  So I'll give him a few more months with a nap for both of our sake. 

These last five years have been a whirlwind, but I am so excited about the things coming up this next year for Owen.  I'm excited to see him experience Kindergarten and everything that goes along with it.  A new school, teacher, friends, routine.  He is growing into such a sweet, caring, amazing little boy and I am so thankful to be able to be home with him and watch it all happen.  We love you, our little 5 year old!!

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