Say hello to my smiley little 4 month old!
Growth Stats
Weight - 13 lbs 10.5 oz (15th Percentile)
Height - 24.5 in (22nd Percentile)
People always tell me how big he is getting, so I was surprised to hear he's still on the
smaller side for his age. What I hear even more from people is how I finally have a baby that
looks like me. Part of me saw it, but part of me thought he looked a little like Owen.
I assumed he would grow to look like Ryan and I'd have no mini-me.
Then I did a side by side comparison...
smaller side for his age. What I hear even more from people is how I finally have a baby that
looks like me. Part of me saw it, but part of me thought he looked a little like Owen.
I assumed he would grow to look like Ryan and I'd have no mini-me.
Then I did a side by side comparison...
He definitely looks a lot different than the other two (at least based on their 4 month pics).
He has a darker complexion, similar to mine, and his face is more round than oval. Throw in
the dark hair, and the West genes may actually have pulled through on this one. It's funny
because Ryan and I have a red head, a blonde and now a brunette. One of each! Hair color
aside, I think we may in fact have three boys that look nothing alike!
He has his own look and his own sweet little personality to go with it. When I think of Miles
right now the first thing that comes to mind is his big smile. He's always smiling! When I
walk up to him he gets so excited. His arms and legs flail and he opens his mouth and gives
me a huge grin. It's like he can hardly contain himself. I'll take that greeting any day! What's
even better is to hear one of his laughs. His first laughs came by us tickling him or blowing
on his belly. Then one day I walked into Owen playing peek-a-boo with him and he was
laughing out loud without any tickling needed. Owen is always the one that gets the biggest
laughs out of him. Miles finds him absolutely hilarious and it makes Owen's day.
He continues to be the easiest and happiest baby. I almost hate to say that for fear of
jinxing myself, but he's been great!! He goes right along with whatever we are doing, falls
asleep wherever he's at when he's tired, eats wherever we're at when he's hungry, and is
generally happy as long as he has a toy (or brother) to keep him entertained.
right now the first thing that comes to mind is his big smile. He's always smiling! When I
walk up to him he gets so excited. His arms and legs flail and he opens his mouth and gives
me a huge grin. It's like he can hardly contain himself. I'll take that greeting any day! What's
even better is to hear one of his laughs. His first laughs came by us tickling him or blowing
on his belly. Then one day I walked into Owen playing peek-a-boo with him and he was
laughing out loud without any tickling needed. Owen is always the one that gets the biggest
laughs out of him. Miles finds him absolutely hilarious and it makes Owen's day.
He continues to be the easiest and happiest baby. I almost hate to say that for fear of
jinxing myself, but he's been great!! He goes right along with whatever we are doing, falls
asleep wherever he's at when he's tired, eats wherever we're at when he's hungry, and is
generally happy as long as he has a toy (or brother) to keep him entertained.
He is also an amazing sleeper. We have him fully transferred over to the crib. He normally
takes a monster first nap in the carseat while I'm out running, or doing errands. He'll stay
sleeping the entire time the boys are in school all while being taken in and out of the car, into
stores, pushed around in the stroller and in and out of a preschool full of screaming kids.
He'll finally wake up when we get home for lunch. He eats, stays awake for a few hours to
play and is ready to nap again. As soon as I know he's tired I lay him down in his crib and he
falls right asleep. No rocking him to sleep. No crying. He just falls asleep. It's amazing!
We never had to go through any crazy crying it out phase. He might take one more short nap
in the early evening, then I feed him for the last time around 9:00PM and put him to bed. And
guess what??? He's actually been sleeping through the night until around 4:30AM which has
been wonderful! I feel so much more refreshed when I get an almost full night's sleep.
Although Miles is an amazing baby, I think in part things are easier because I've learned to
relax a little bit. I haven't even picked up my "sleep book" to refresh my memory because I
know I won't be able to follow a strict schedule while keeping the other two occupied, and
frankly, I don't want to. As long as Miles is happy and healthy, I'll go with the flow as long as
we can. I know there will come a time when we need to get into a little more of a routine,
but for now I'm enjoying my mobile little baby. Thanks for making this transition to
three kids so easy on me Miles. I love you so much!!

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