Introducing this year's Halloween costumes...Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!
(with sidekick April O'Neil of course)
I'm all about the family costumes. I love them!! And as long as the boys are young enough
to go along with it, we're golden! We gave them a few options this year and they wanted to
be Ninja Turtles. Lucky for me they make costumes in baby, kid, and adult sizes. :)
We started our Halloween celebration trick or treating downtown in Oak Park on Saturday.
They blocked off the street and the kids were able to trick or treat at all of the businesses.
Then Monday night was the main event. The kids and I went out a little bit before Ryan
came home from work, then continued with him until nearly 7:00PM.
Miles started out strong, but quickly tired out from all of the excitement.
2.5 hours of trick or treating later, the boys had collected 6 pounds of candy!! Well done!!