Sunday, May 18, 2014

Happy 7 Months Joe Joe!!

Say hello to the cutest 7 month old I know.

Height - 27 1/2 inches (55th percentile)
Weight - 17 lbs 9 oz (23rd percentile)

He's still coming in on the low end for weight, yet everyone I see tells me how big he looks.
I've decided it's his big chubby cheeks that create the optical illusion of him being bigger
than he is.  He has the cutest, softest, chubby little cheeks.  I love them!
The other thing that people always tell me is what a happy baby he is.  Whether we are at
the doctor's office, out running errands, at a friend's house or anywhere really, the one
comment I always get is how happy he is.  Mostly because he likes to share his big
toothless grin with anyone who looks at him.  He is such a sweet little guy.

This past month marked a few key milestones...eating solids for the first time, rolling over
from his front to his back, and sitting up with a little help.  

He doesn't really eat a lot yet, but we still practice every day.  We've made it through peaches, prunes, sweet potatoes, peas, butternut squash, apples and we just started
bananas.  I can't say he loves any of them any more than the others.  It's pretty much
a battle between he and I to see if I can get the spoon to his mouth before he whacks it
away or grabs all the food off it.  I make some sort of noise or face so he smiles and gives
me one of his open mouth grins.  Then I sneak the spoon in as fast as I can.  So far it
seems to be doing the trick.  You'd think this kid would like to eat, but right now he's
not that interested.  We'll get there soon enough.
This month also marked the beginning of the dreaded helmet.  I had myself so worried
about it, but thankfully he's adjusted like a champ.  Plus, now that it's decorated he looks
super cool in it.  He wears it 23 hours a day, with one hour off for me to give him a bath
before bed.  What's crazy is even though he's only had the helmet for 2 weeks, seeing
him without it is weird.  Like seeing a person without their glasses on.      

"AAH!  My head feels so naked!"

 The only thing the helmet may have affected a little is his sleep.  He is still waking up two
times per night on average, but since the helmet we've had nights where he's been up as
many as four times and cried for an hour at a time even after I've fed him.  Whether it is the
helmet or a possible growth spurt, I am very much looking forward to a consistent sleep
pattern again.  And maybe soon enough we'll be down to getting up only once per night,
and then...gasp!...getting a full night's sleep!!!  It's so close I can almost feel it!!  
With someone as cute as this though, I'm ok with middle of the night visits.

   Happy 7 Months Joe Joe!

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