Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!! :)

So in case anyone was wondering why I love my husband so much,
here is just one of the many reasons.

He knows how to make me feel extra special on my birthday.

Let me give you a quick glimpse into my day.

I start the day waking up to a festively decorated house.

As I walk into the dining room, I see my gift waiting for me on the table.

Let me preface this by saying that Ryan is the most thoughtful gift giver there is.
He remembers things I want, that even I had forgotten about!
He's so good that I get nervous when it is my turn to return the favor because 
I feel like I can never even compare to how great his gift was for me.

This year was no exception.  
Inside my gift bag was a note that told me to check my email.
So I went to the computer and found the gift that any new mom with a 6 month old
would tell you is the PERFECT birthday present....a Spa Day!!
Yep, that's right.  This girl is going to the Spa for a day!!

A day which includes:
- A Detoxifying Seaweed Wrap
- A Warm Cream Manicure
- A Warm Cream Pedicure
- A Facial or Massage
- And a complimentary makeup application so I can leave looking completely refreshed

To be honest, there is not a gift in the world (at this moment in my life)
that would make me happier than a day just lounging around and relaxing at the spa.
Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay at home Mom,
but a day relaxing, not worrying about anything, sounds absolutely wonderful! 
And just when I thought my day couldn't get any better,
he made my favorite two breakfast dishes from Grandma Sally's:
Bacon, egg and cheese Quesadillas AND Cheese blintzes.
I'm aware it is a crazy combination, but they are both SO delicious! 
The picture does not do it justice.
(truth be told, I was so excited I started eating and got about halfway
before I realized I forgot to take a picture.  So I tried to put 
my plate back together the best I could.) 

And for dessert....
a cake he woke up early to bake.  
(Yep, forgot to take the picture before I dug into this one too).

We decided to finish the celebration with dinner at Parker's Restaurant in Downers Grove.  
Not our usual choice, but we had a gift card to use so I figured, why not?
 I am so glad we did because it turned out to be one of the 
most delicious birthday dinners ever!

Any restaurant that has cotton candy on the dessert menu
is a winner in my book.
I didn't even order it, but they brought me a small taste because I was so intrigued.
Cotton candy made out of all natural maple brown sugar.  
It tasted like toasted marshmallows.
SO GOOD!!!! 

The perfect end to the perfect day!

So as I sit here tonight starting my 32nd year of life (yes that means I'm 31),
I am thankful for a thoughtful husband who knows how to make me
feel like the most special girl in the world.
I am thankful for an amazing family and group of friends who called me throughout the day
to offer their birthday wishes.
And I am thankful for the cutest, sweetest son who to this point does excellent with 
babysitters to make a night like tonight stress free.
Happy Happy birthday to Me!!

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