Saturday, November 30, 2019


Family Movie Day

Going to a movie in the theater is one of my favorite things to do.  The snacks, the cozy new recliner chairs...I love it all!!  The only thing that makes it better is when I get to do it in WI
with the entire family!!  If we grow any bigger, we'll take up the entire row!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Black Friday (actually Thursday)

In recent years, the stores have been opening up earlier and earlier for Black Friday sales.
Since we were already out that direction bowling anyway, we figured we might as well stop
at Target on our way home and take advantage of the sales.  Ryan took the boys home
to put them to bed and us girls stayed to shop.  :)

The line went down the main aisle, then snaked backward to the back of the store. As daunting as this looks, it actually moved pretty fast.  And we scored the Door Buster TV my mom had her eye on.  Mission accomplished!!

2019 Thanksgiving Bowling

After we all stuffed ourselves silly, it was time to get out and move around a bit.
Bring on the annual Thanksgiving bowling outing!

Thanksgiving 2019

This Thanksgiving was a little different than it has been in past years.  On Wednesday
morning my mom walked in to Larry's room to find him on the floor without his oxygen on.
He must have fallen in the middle of the night while he was trying to get up.  They called an
ambulance and took him to the hospital, and that is where he spent Thanksgiving.  

We took turns visiting him, the boys colored pictures to take him
and also recorded a video message.

Alex and Jill hosted at their house to try to make things easier on my mom.

They have a hot tub in their backyard, so the boys were super excited about that!

We missed Larry and wish he could have been there with us, but we're so thankful he's
getting the care that he needs and feeling stronger each day.  Hopefully he'll
be able to come home in a few days.  

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Congrats Liz and Neil!!

Today Ryan's cousin Liz and Neil got married!!

I LOVE going to weddings for so many reasons...seeing people you don't see often, a night
of eating, drinking and dancing (three of my favorite things), wedding cake (another solid
favorite), and it's a fun excuse to dress up and get fancy.  :)

CONGRATS Liz and Neil!!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cake for a Year!!!!

Nothing Bundt Cakes was having an anniversary celebration and they were giving away free bundlets for a year to the first 25 customers today.  I've always wanted to go attempt to do this, but today was the day I finally did it!!

Miles and I drove to La Grange and arrived about 30 minutes before the store opened.
There was already a significant line, and I was pretty sure there were already 25 people
there, but they were giving away one free bundlet to everyone, so I figured we
would wait it out and at least make it worth the drive.  I mean,
it takes a lot for me to walk away from free cake!

It was actually pretty entertaining waiting in line, making friends with the people around us.
It was pretty chilly out, so two ladies went across the street to Corner Bakery, got a huge
container of hot chocolate, and then went down the line pouring cups for everyone.
It was the perfect thing to keep me motivated to stand in line.  It also helped
that they came out with free cake samples periodically too.  ;)

A few minutes before the store opened, they came out and let us know how thankful they
were for all of us and that they were increasing the number of winners to 50!! 

WOO HOO!!!!  I did it!!  Free Bundlets for a year!!  Totally worth the wait!

Toddler Exploration Time

One Friday a month, the park district puts on a Toddler Exploration Time at the Oak Park
Conservatory.  Since Miles doesn't have school on Fridays, it's the perfect day
for he and I to go and do something special.

Each Friday has a different theme that the activities are centered around.  
They start with a story based on the theme,

then the kids get to walk around to a few different stations they have set up.  Today's theme
was foods that make up the colors of the rainbow.  They made pumpkins out of playdoh,

painted with vegetables (that face!! 😂),

and got to take a closer look at some fruits and vegetables.

It's really cute, and what I love is you go at your own pace.  Once the story is over, you roam around and can leave whenever you're done.  So I can follow Miles' lead on when he's had
enough.  He makes his way through the stations, explores what he wants to explore,
and then we go about the rest of our day.  

I'm so thankful we have such fun activities available to us.  I love being able to expose
him to different things and share in these cool experiences with him.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Stuffed Animal Overload

Joe may disagree with me,
but I think it's safe to say we have an overload of stuffed animals!

Truthfully, I don't even think this is all of them. 
It's just what they decided to carry down to make a giant animal fort.  Wasn't quite as fun
when they realized they had to carry all of those back upstairs again. ;)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Crazy Hats

 There's never a dull moment with this one around.  :)

Ms Agustin

For the first part of the school year Joe's Kindergarten teacher has been out on maternity
leave.  Ms Agustin was the long term sub that took her place.  Today was her last day so
we wanted to take a picture to remember her by.  Thanks Ms Agustin!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Post School Climb

There is a tree on the front lawn of Pilgrim school that had been a magnet for both Owen
and Joe when they were in preschool.  Each day after school, if given the opportunity, they
would make a mad dash for the tree so they could climb it.  Miles apparently has the exact
same attraction to the tree.  Sure it makes it harder to get him to the car and leave, but on
the bright side, it makes for a great photo op.  :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Larry's New 'Do

It's been a little while since we've been back to Wausau to visit, and since then Larry has
started chemo treatments.  My mom didn't want the kids to be surprised when they saw him
next, so she sent us a pic of his new 'do.  Looking just as handsome as ever Larry!!
We love you!!

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Bearded Crew

Tonight's fun activity...Ryan used a burnt cork to give the kids beards.  HAHA!!