Sunday, September 29, 2019

Red Tent Weekend 2019

This weekend some good friends and I scheduled a trip up to MI to stay at our
friend Jen's lake house.  We all love our families more than anything,
but sometimes mamas just need a little break.  

We spent our time walking on the beach, sitting on the porch drinking coffee, eating
ridiculous amounts of cheese and crackers, drinking mimosas and wine,
and mostly hanging out and talking.  It was perfect!!

In case you're wondering what Red Tent means, it's a biblical reference to a place where
women must go when they're menstruating or giving birth.  I know you're trying to figure out
what this has to do with our weekend, but bear with me.  In these "red tents" the women get
together to "share thoughts and wisdom, exchange gossip, seek solace in each other, and
pass on their knowledge of midwifery and motherhood."  Rachel had brought this up
one night when we were all at dinner and we decided to adapt the theory.  So for us
Red Tent is a group of friends who keep you strong, pick you up when you need it,
and are there for you at all times.  Together we are each other's "red tent."

Hopefully this is the first of many Red Tent getaways!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pilgrim Spirit Week

This week Miles had Spirit week at school.  Surprisingly he wanted no part of pajama day
or fancy day, but he was more than happy to dye his hair blue for crazy hair day
(this pic was after his nap, so it faded and looks more gray),

and wear his favorite jersey for sports day.

Since then he's been asking to dye his hair nearly every day.  Happy Spirit Week! :)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Miles "Pikachu" Kalita

Thank goodness for friends who know your kids' favorite things, and pick them up at the
second hand store on a Halloween costume run.  

Friday, September 20, 2019

My Little Friday Date

Now that Miles is in school Monday through Thursday, I'm taking advantage of having
special time with just him and I on Fridays.  I mean isn't he the cutest date ever??

This Friday we went with our friends Will and Jen to one of Miles' favorite places...
The big zoo!

Two of his favorites to visit are the polar bears and of course the gorillas.
He's convinced the big one is King Kong.

The dolphins are also really fun to watch for awhile.  Today when we went they had
basketballs in there they were playing with.  They actually dribbled them in the water by
pushing them down and catching them a few times, then tossing it into the air.
I'm not going to lie, I was impressed!

When we got home I had Miles recount our trip.  
Make sure you watch out for those crazy "ott-o-nuts."  ;)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Caught Green Handed

I'll give you one guess who happened to find a green marker
on the playground after school today.  

Side note: Who buys the non-washable Crayola markers??  I had to use one of my scrubs to get that off his hands and even still it barely came off!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Newest Kalita Soccer Stars

Fall soccer started this week for Joe and Miles.  We've tried it with Joe in past years, but he
never really loved it.  This year we convinced him (and by convinced I mean heavily bribed
him with Gatorade and Culvers) to give it one more try and he really likes it so far.  I'm
so happy!  I think the exercise is good and it's a great chance to meet new friends.
Joe is in a brand new school and knows only a handful of kids in his grade,
so this is the perfect opportunity to hang out with kids his age.

Miles was fortunate enough to be put on a team with one of his besties, Will.

 One of the cutest things going is Miles waves at us over on the sidelines every chance he
gets.  He's so excited to be out there and even more excited to have us watching him.

The stretching is a close second of world's cutest things.
There may not be anything funnier than little kids trying to do jumping jacks.  

Miles feel like wrestling his buddy more than playing soccer, but he's having fun and that's
all that matters.  Good luck Joe and Miles!!  We're so excited to watch you guys this season!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Another Daddy Masterpiece

Who needs coloring books when your dad can draw like this??
Kitchen table instantly transformed into one giant coloring page!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

After School Dance

Some days you just feel like dancing...

Fun on Wheels

Miles has learned how to ride his scooter over the past few weeks and looks super cute
doing it.  Now he can ride along with his big brothers.

And Owen has found a new love in his rollerblades.  It's terrifying to watch because the falls
look awful, but he's tough and resilient and gets right back up and tries again.  

He even inspired me to dust off my old rollerblades and ride along with him.
If I'm being honest, it didn't take too much convincing.  ;)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Miles' First Day of School

Today was Miles' first day of PreK-3.  How handsome is he???

We started the day by walking his big brothers to school,

 and then he and I got ready for his first day in the Circle Room with Ms. Nancy and Ms.
Megan.  Miles has always been really attached to me.  We had lots of tears last year when I
would drop him off in the Star Room, so I was fully expecting a melt down when I left him.
He teared up a little walking into the building, but I think that was mostly because there was
a lot going on and lots of other people.  Once I got him settled into his room, he was
really happy and excited.  He gave me a hug and kiss and I walked away with no tears.

You're going to have such a great time in the Circle Room buddy.  I love you so much!!