Tuesday, July 31, 2018

More Swim Lesson Fun

We're making big improvements in swim lessons this summer.  
Joe is learning to swim on his own,

Owen is perfecting his strokes,

and Miles even went off the diving board.  :)

And the best part for me is I have an exhausted group of kids when they're done.  
Yay swimming!! :)

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Cousin Time

We try to go back to Wausau as often as we can for one main reason...We love being able
to spend time with family.  We don't need to be entertained, or do anything special.
It's the little things like hanging out and going for walks that are all we need.


Friday, July 27, 2018


It was a big day in the Kalita household....Owen got his first set of golf clubs!

Of course we had to go give them a test run on the range with Grandpa Jim.

He actually has a pretty good swing!  The best part is he lifts his front leg and then plants his
foot like he does when he swings the bat in t-ball.  Happy Gilmore would be proud. ;)

Even Joe and Miles wanted to join in on the action.

The next day there was a kids golf school going on at the Country Club,
so my dad signed Owen up.

With a little practice and some golf school direction,
he was ready for his first round of golf with my dad and Ryan.

It's so fun to watch him learn something new, and also see him share a hobby that Ryan,
Larry and my dad love so much!  Although he didn't say it, I'm pretty sure Ryan is
secretly ecstatic that he has a new golfing partner in the making.  

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The S. S. Smith

Hannah and Bobby bought a new pontoon boat this summer,
so we decided to spend some time out on the lake.

The boys even went tubing for the first time...which they LOVED!!!!

After a little bit of cruising and tubing we stopped at the sand bar so the kids could get out and play for a little while.  It was such a great way to spend the afternoon.

Thanks Hannah and Bobby!!  :)

Day 2 of Grandma Camp - Petting Zoo

Today my mom had a petting zoo at her school.  The boys LOVE animals, so we decided to take Aiden and go check it out.  They were so brave petting all the animals,
and were entirely convinced we should have a pet bunny at our house.

I think it's safe to say they had their fair share of fun!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Pool Nap

Sometimes there is nothing better, than a relaxing nap by the pool.

The perfect way to kick off our week at Grandma Camp.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Garfield Conservatory

The Garfield Conservatory is one of those places that we don't get to very often.  But when
I'm looking for fun things to do with the boys, occasionally I'll think to myself, "Hmmmm...We
haven't been to the conservatory for awhile.  We should give it a try."

Then after approximately 40 minutes and 1 lap around the entire place, I remember why it's
taken us so long to go back.  As fun as it is as an adult to look at all the plants, there just
isn't a ton for the kids to do.  They love looking at the frogs and fish in the pond, but that's
the extent of it.  Don't get me wrong, it's a beautiful place.  Just not enough to keep us
busy to make it worth the drive there over and over.  Maybe some day.  For now we'll
enjoy our short little visits when we're looking for a change of pace.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Troll Hunt

Today we met some friends at the Morton Arboretum to hunt for trolls.  We followed the map
to find each individual troll.  Some were within walking distance, some we had to drive to.  

At each troll there was a clue.  
Those clues filled in the blanks for one final clue that led us to the troll's hideout.

What a well thought out activity.  The trolls were amazing, and the hideout was equally as
creative.  Huge pots, an enormous drum, extra large hair brushes and combs.  It was
honestly such a cool thing and a great way to spend a day with our friends!